Thursday, October 05, 2006

Shut Up Alexander Downer, you'll start a war that we can't win!

How's the greatest Girly Man of Australia Mr Downer threatening North Korea! Now we know from previous posts I've made that he is a blatant liar and that was proven as late as last week with his travel warnings!

But to threaten North Korea is a bad mistake! We are already at war with 5 countries and somehow the power has gone to his head becuase we are only a support to the U.S. at best and in my opinion just stooges to even follow the U.S. on their decietful attacks on countries such as Iraq, claiming they had weapons of mass destruction!

I warned that attacking Muslim countries only strengthens them as seen through the Christian crusades and that warning has come true to the point where the terrorist threat is now greater than it's ever been!

But to tackle North Korea Mr Downer we need to do more than destroy hospitals, health systems, create poverty for those with illness, place a GST on fuel excise etc for the $11 Billion surplus is not going to be enough this time!

To take on North Korea we will need at least $half a Trillion! and that's just to go to war with them!

So where do you get off threatening the North Koreans for doing what the Americans have already done?????? The Americans are the worst at treating people, just look at all the homeless living under bridges and the like, before you even look at things like medical care and income support and you will realise they are just scum protecting the rich at the expense of the poor!

To claim they are a Christian country which is so wrong when they treat their own like that and Australia is just little America now treating the poor just as bad if not worse (from experience).

They lie about WMD to justify attacking a country to control it's oil, and people wonder why countries like North Korea and Iran are arming themselves.

Australia and U.S. have no one to blame but themselves for attacking so many countries based on lies for a weapons race!

Hypocrits the U.S. and Australia!

And now Mr Girly Man himself has gotten such a power rush that he comes out and threatens the North Koreans!

I for one want to continue to live in relative safety from war but as it is we are standing on really thin ice and Mr Downer just wants to crash right through that ice and cop a Nuke right in our back yard.

Sick the lot of them!

If the corrupt U.S. has nukes why can't other countries defend agains their blatant invasions to rape in the case of Iraq it's oil reserves but in other cases the countries dignity, respect and pride in itself to become scum like America.


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