Friday, October 13, 2006

Homosexuals have no moral standing

Homosexual animals exhibit opens
By Alister Doyle in Oslo
October 12, 2006 08:59pm
Article from: Reuters
THE birds and the bees may be gay, according to the world's first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals.
With documentation of gay or lesbian behaviour among giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures, the Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".
"We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear – homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature," an exhibit statement said.

I spent a couple of months travelling accross the Nullabour, we had 8 dogs with us and I can tell you they certainly show homosexual behaviour.

But contrary to what the Homosexuals would have you believe, every male dog that still has it's nuts will hump other dogs but it's becuase they have no morals! They'll hump peoples legs, tree's, power poles, cats and whatever else they can get off on.

That's becuase they are animals and unlike humans they have no Morals or care for that matter.

So these people want to justify acting like animals. They should have a good hard look at themselves and ask what would the creator think of their behaviour. They are certainly gay and merry most of the time becuase they enjoy simple things, unlike most homosexuals who I've met who are rarely gay just sad and homosexual and immoral!


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