Monday, October 23, 2006

Madonna shows the arrogance of the U.S.

It so disgusts me that Madonna has gone and kidnapped a baby from the country of Malawian.

All it takes is U.S. dollars and you can bribe your way around any law. Yep no law for the rich and many for the rest of us.

This is criminal, this child had a father and she has stolen his child.

In latest reports it also shows that they provided the documentation to the father in english, yet the father couldn't read english and didn't know what he was signing.

This is a sick world with the Americans arrogance over everyone else and every law.

It's true I don't know peoples hearts but it seems pretty clear that Madonna claims she is a Christian to make money, for no other reason! And to steal children from their parents is not what I would call a Christian act. I can't see how someone can be saved if they lie about their relationship with Jesus. But as I said I don't know her heart.


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