Monday, October 09, 2006

Australia tough words against nuclear weapons.

Well John Howard is comming out and threatening North Korea for working at defending itself against countries like the U.S. and Australia who will invade a country and do it on lies!

What a hypocrytical bunch these leaders of our country! They have an $11 Billion war chest so if a country feels threatened why not work at strengthening it's defences? The only thing John Howard does is inflamme the situation by making threats!

What are we going to do, throw boomerangs at the North Koreans? We certainly will not go against the U.S. for invading countries based on lies of WMD's even though that makes a country of liars too!

I actually look forward to comming events, sure it will be sad seeing the death but the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be so wonderful and people like John Howard are just speeding up the process so it's all for the best in the long run.

I believe if the U.S. has nuclear weapons and invades soooooo many countries based on lies then other countries should be able to have them to defend against the U.S.

And for John Howard to complain that the North Koreans shouldn't be spending money on weapons becuase they need assistance to feed their poor. Well John Howard should look in his own backyard and help the poor in this country before he judges other countries.

Things like welfare should increase dramatically to help all those in poverty in this country, rent assistance which hasn't increased for years should be increased to reflect the current prices in the rental market, hospital services need dramatic improvement so those with illness have a chance of getting help and returning to the workforce and dental treatment is non existent in this country with the poor just loosing all their teeth and not being able to eat properly, which in turn agravates any illness or dissability they might have.

North Korea 'tests nuke'

Simon Martin

October 09, 2006 12:00am
Article from: Agence France-Presse

STALINIST North Korea announced today that it had conducted its first ever atomic bomb test, defying global opinion to send a nuclear shiver around the world. Australian Prime Minister John Howard Prime Minister John Howard strongly condemned the test, which comes despite international pleas that it not proceed.

The official KCNA news agency said the test was successfully conducted at 10.36am (1136 AEST).

"The nuclear test was conducted by 100 per cent of our wisdom and technology," it said, claiming there was no danger of radioactive leaks.

South Korea's intelligence agency detected a 3.58 magnitude seismic tremor at the time of the test, a foreign ministry spokesman in Seoul said.

South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun immediately called an emergency meeting of security officials because of what the foreign ministry said was "a grave change in the situation involving the North's nuclear activity".

In Canberra, Mr Howard said North Korea was mistaken if it thought that a nuclear test would improve its bargaining power.

``The test has destabilised the region, it's eroded North Korea's own security,'' he said.

``A strong international response is called for and Australia will give full support to that response.''

And we are starting to see what a little man making threats against everybody is doing to our safety!

Policies make Australians 'less safe'

October 09, 2006 01:29pm
Article from: AAP

THE nation's cricketers, like all Australians, are less safe due to Prime Minister John Howard's foreign policies, Opposition leader Kim Beazley said today.

The Times of London reported today that militants planned to use sarin nerve gas to kill cricketers from both the Australian and English teams in the changerooms during the last Ashes tour.

"John Howard's decisions have made Australia less safe rather than more safe, and that applies to our cricketers, as well," Mr Beazley said.

Security in Australia, Mr Beazley said, was more important than ever in the wake of the alleged plot.

"What that threat indicates to me is how important it is to get the practical measures in place to protect our communities and how important it is to get your foreign policies absolutely right.

"What it says to me is that we're going to have to make absolutely certain, when this Ashes tour is on, that we have in place the best practical measures in place to protect the cricket teams while those games are being played."

Australia will play England in the first of the Ashes Tests in

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