Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Drug Laws continue to damage countries health

It is disgusting how those in politics make laws against drugs that harm the country and the latest evidence is showing just how much damage these hypocritical laws are doing to the country, especially the young.

Polititians and police not satisfied that they have made out marijuana is the most dangerous drug and pushing our teenagers onto drugs like GHB which are truly dangerous but as nothing is more dangerous than marijuana they have no leg to educate the young about these new wave of drugs. These laws are also forcing organised crime to recruit even younger kids to sell their drugs.

Decriminalise marijuana and as experienced in Amsterdam drug useage will actually drop!

Playground drug deals revealed

October 31, 2006 12:00am
Article from: AAP

CHILDREN as young as 10 have been involved in playground drug deals, it has been revealed.

A grade five girl was caught by her principal trying to sell marijuana at a Victorian state school in 2003, News Limited newspapers report today.

The principal confiscated the drugs and notified the girl's parents and police.

In another case in 2002, a year five school girl with a history of “behaviour difficulties” was found intoxicated after being seen drinking on her way to school.

The same year, a parent punched a teacher and attacked a principal with a machete during a parent-teacher interview after his child's behaviour was criticised.

News Limited was granted access to the cases following a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal ruling.

Other reports included details of sexual behaviour by young children, terrorising behaviour by a student, an alleged assault by a teacher on a student and the sexual assault of a student by other students.

It is clear by all the evidence that alcohol is responsible for more death and violence than all the others combined yet it is legal!!!!

You can get morphine in high doses legally for pain, but morphine kills your emotions and causes fits of anger and yet pot with it's medicinal benefits and limited health effects is illegal.

And it's all becuase polititians and police are not interested in people's health but the ability to make a profit. If people couldn't grow their own medication such as marijuana but it was brought from a corrupt pharmacutical company it would be legal!


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