Friday, October 13, 2006

Positives from the National Safety Council of Australia

Impressed with the National Safety Council of Australia's new initiative to raise the standard of quote "To meet the sophisticated skill and knowledge demands of the modern safety professional, OHS education and training has had to rise to the occasion …"

By introducing the NSCA Diploma. Spewing can't afford to subscribe as would like to know more about it.

Now if we could only get the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to come alongside and develop quote "nationally consistent regulation by producing national standards as a model for laws in the states and territories" that contain requirements that the minum standard of any safety manager be the NSCA Diploma or equivalent (that's if the learning outcomes are adequate for the course) then we will be moving Safety towards a true profession.

A big well done if they do move safety forward and can work together to achieve it. But we must also be careful to analyse and scrutinise maticulously so that it improves and any weaknesses are strengthened.


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