Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Safety qualifications!

It has become clear that the reason for the incompetence of the SIA is due to members and above having no safety qualifications! *Note it is good to see the president Mr Geoff Dell being qualified! (not sure what specialty he has though).

I want to ask you all this question! With a Grad Dip in OHSM I do not believe I can practice medicine in any manner or form! So why is it that those with qualification in health are accepted as qualified in safety??????

It is clear that doctors, nurses or other health fields do not know much about safety (from years of studying with them they have no idea) yet the Safety Institute of Australia accepts these qualifications as acceptable to become a member!

That is crap and why so many Australian workers die every year in this country!!!!

My most recent boss had no idea, due to the fact he had been accepted on the qualification in the health field. That is crap too!!!!

And Queenslanders are the worst they think a five day course qualifies people to manage safety over 15 years of safety related qualfications!

A crazy field this safety where they ban people that have many qualifications, 20 years safety experience and allow people with health qualfications to claim they are experts in the field of safety, elevating them to membership of the SIA or higher.

Stop allowing the deaths of up to 5,000 Australian workers by allowing those with passion, experience and qualifications back into the SIA so we can kick out all those incompetent, health care professionals out. If they were any good they would be doctors etc.


Clipsal 500 death highlights the incompetence of the Safety Proffesion in this country

The death of a young V8 driver on the weekend highlights the incompetence of the Safety Profession in this country. We have everybody comming out and investigating the incident from police to the who's who of politics, yet the workplace inspectorate are not involved the SIA keeps quite on the subject.

Well it's simple!!!!!!!

This incident proves what I have been proposing for years! Deaths on our roads are caused by impact with an object that expels the energy to the driver or passengers. In this case it was a concrete barrier!

How about they use some brains and move the barriers back, leaving the corner the same but added a sand trap before the barrier. Simple isn't it, the sand would then absorb a lot of the energy before hitting the barrier.

Oh but that's right the incompetent safety profession will claim it was speed related! It's sad to say but the SIA is way out of touch.

And why isn't the workplace inspectorate involved? It is definately a workplace and drivers are definately paid for working in their profession. It must be too hard for safety people to understand!
