Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Australian Energy Suppliers need to be prosecuted

Tree-lopper falls after bee attack

October 04, 2006 02:07pm
Article from: AAP

A TREE-lopper man has fallen after being attacked by a swarm of bees on the New South Wales mid-north coast.

A NSW ambulance spokesman said the Westpac Rescue Helicopter had been called in after the man was attacked while working near Kendall.

He said it was understood the man had fallen some distance, but it was not yet known whether he had fallen from the tree or down an embankment.

Got a mate that was a tree lopper (well actually a couple) and he had horrific injuries from a chainsaw falling on him.

The problem is these Energy giants have the government inspectors and prosecutors in thier back pocket and no one gets prosecuted for manslaughter.

And in this incident although the person doesn't appear to be dead yet, they should be prosecuted for manslaughter (murder in my book) becuase of one simple fact!

The person should not have been able to fall more than 1.8 meters even if there was a beehive and he was attacked by bees!

But that won't happen and the energy giants will continue to get away with providing unsafe workplaces, with lots of risks that could be easily controlled.

And a big fat pffffffffftttttttttt to the safety experts in this particular company for lacking knowledge and competence to be able to preven this occuring! Most probably unqualified Safety Institute of Australia Members or higher.


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