Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Australian Hospital System

Hospital wait killing teen sport dream

October 04, 2006 01:46pm
Article from: AAP

A TEENAGE soccer player has said waiting more than a year for a simple knee operation could shatter his dreams of playing for Australia.

Nicky Rogers, 16, from Taralga on the NSW southern tablelands, today told of his desperation to have knee surgery after he damaged a cartilage in July.

Goulburn Base Hospital scheduled the teenager's operation for September 2007.

Well I tell you this, This kid was blessed that he got through so quick!

Yep I've been on the waiting list for over 18 months to get a cartilage and that's just to see the surgeon! I am told there is actually another 2 year wait to actually get the operation and make it more possible to work again (my livelihood).

I must admit that was Victoria (Geelong Hospital) and that makes it a 3.5 year wait to get knee surgury! So Nicky you should see yourself as blessed becuase you got in early before many on the waiting lists and youj will be fixed before you are 17 years of age!

Now I've moved states, my wait has to start all over again, although I have been pleasantly surprised at how quick you can get into the Queensland system! It only took a month to get into the Rhuemy where as in Victoria I was waiting again another 18 months at least and then there was the orthopeadic surgeon for my knee, impossible to see those guys.

Australia's hospital system is stuffed so John Howard can have his $11 Billion war chest and as long as he keeps the rich happy, he wins votes! And there is an answer for that in that he keeps the newspaper mongals happy (in particular My Murdoch and Mr Packer) and as such can lie about whatever he likes and they will support him with favourable news reports.

Such abuse of the Australia poor, homeless and retired is about everywhere.


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