Friday, October 27, 2006

68 cents per hour pay rise rocks Corporate Australia

Wow the Fair Pay commission awarded a wopping 68 Cents per hour pay rise for our lowest paid workers!

And now those high paid executives and polititians are crying too much!

Yet the Polititians awarded themselves a 7% pay rise this year and if we look at say a low paid polititian on $100 000 a year, they awarded themselves a pay rise of $3.65 per hour!

That's almost 600% more than the low paid workers recieved and that was all pretty quite so if 68 Cents an hour pay rise is excessive, then what is $3.60 per hour a pig out???

This fair pay commission, the unions and the government are all in bed together here to make this process look fair but it is definately not! If it was fair then a $3.60 per hour pay rise would have seemed Just adequate in my book!

But no the rich get richer from this decision and the poor get poorer and a pushed closer over the edge from this totally unfair process that is widening the gap between the poor and the rich further each time a focuss on percentage is made.

To be fair cost of living increases would be based on the income of our poorest paid people and then we would see how big the real cost of living increases are on our poor in society!

Oh some CEO just awarded himself a multimillion dollar pay rise and gets his millions in bonuses for keeping wages so low and supressing the poor!!!!!!!


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