Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How John Howard and Amanda Vanstone protect their mates at the expense of workers.

Worker scandal widens

Lachlan Heywood,Jason Gregory and Michael Corkill

October 18, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail

ROGUE Queensland bosses may be exploiting hundreds of foreign workers brought in to plug the state's skills shortage.

Alleged maltreatment of 40 Philippines workers by a Brisbane welding company comes amid growing evidence the controversial 457 visa scheme is being abused.

The Immigration Department last night confirmed that 28 separate investigations were under way into alleged breaches by Queensland employers.

Despite the controversy, bosses are lining up to access the scheme.

In Queensland alone, 457 visas were used to bring in 6890 workers last financial year.

This included 530 workers from the Philippines, 1270 from the United Kingdom, 410 from China, 400 from India and 260 from Brazil.

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone has ordered a departmental inquiry into the latest claims of exploitation.

Senator Vanstone said 182 employers were being investigated nationally, but said 98 per cent were "using it the right way"

In a blatant move to protect their locust mates in industry and big business the Federal Government deports foreign workers that whistleblow on scum bags ripping them off and in the big picture ripping Australian workers off as well.

Now if they were fair dinkum about protecting workers from this sort of exploitation they certainly wouldn't move to deport them! By deporting them they have shut the mouths of thousands of other foreign workers who will be to scared of being deported if they report employers ripping them off and ultimately the system off by underpaying them and providing scum bag conditions.

Sad day for Australian workers this demolishing of conditions and pay.


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