Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Aircraft Passenger Safety

I have been yelling for years about the total lack of safety devices for passengers on our commercial airlines. Things like seating that is designed to encapsulate the passenger and designed out of energy absorbing materials would dramatically increase the survival rates in crashes, things like internal fire extinguishing devices, floatation so the plane doesn't sink and the like.

But these so called experts just fob it all off saying they don't have plane crashes and advances in technology prevent planes from crashing.

Well I tell you they can't even get stable programs on our home computers which are pretty basic, so how are they going to develop computer systems and programs that won't fail, especially given the amount of money and research microsoft puts into software design and the airline manufacturers have far less money and resources to develop the planes software and hardware systems.

And the proof of these absolute lying safety people developing these systems and selling them as foolproof:INVESTIGATORS are trying to determine how two new aircraft equipped with the latest anti-collision technology clipped each other in flight, in the worst aviation disaster in Brazil's history, with 155 dead.

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