Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Who protects the children from the government department designed to protect them?

In a sad state of affairs the Queensland Government has released figures showing that 51 children died that were known to The Governments Child Safety Department,
State under fire as child deaths mount

Rosanne Barrett

September 19, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail

AT LEAST six children linked to the Child Safety Department have been fatally assaulted since June last year. Four more killed themselves.

The shocking figures were revealed in a Commission for Children and Young People statement detailing the deaths of 51 children known to the department last financial year.

They came three years after Premier Peter Beattie promised wholesale reform of child protection in Queensland. It also follows the tragic death of a three-year-old girl on the Gold Coast who had been put back into her mother's care by the Child Safety Department.

Typical of these Government departments, they usually make the situation worse and this example is no exception. I ask the question who protects the children from the Queensland Governments Child Safety Department? Probably no one as in the rest of the safety profession, if you speak up you are banned.


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