Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Road Safety - School Zones - Behavioural Controls

School zone speed limits are probably the only speed limits I agree with in this country but yet it was obvious to me this morning they still fail as all behavioural controls do! Of all vehicles a school bus would have been the one vehicle that I would expect to comply with these slow speed limits of 40 kph, yet I followed a bus into a school zone this morning with kids running around everywhere and yet the bus sped away at I estimate 20kph over the limit (QLD Rego 328 IJR).

This just highlighted to me even more that behavioural controls on our roads are only good for one thing and that is raising revenue!

Now if Road Safety experts were skilled and educated they would understand the hierachy of controls and know that behavioural controls are right at the bottom becuase they fail constantly!

If we followed the hierachy we would be looking at eliminating the risk and that would be easy if we followed the Canadian experience, we would be building schools without road crossings!

That may sound hard to the undeducated Safety Institute of Australia but it's quite simple actually, we just build schools on dead end streets so there would be no through traffic.

But again when we have a Safety Institute of Australia that allows members, fellows and chartered fellows in without tertiary qualifications we can see the results! They have no idea so they focuss on blamming everyone and implementing behavioural controls!

Sad state of safety in Australia with the SIA representing the safety profession when it's not even professional itself.


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