Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Marijuana the truth behind it being illegal

Well not satisfied that Vioxx led to a high increase in Heart Attack rates, now we are seeing the results of the pharmacutical companies peddling their drugs, Voltaren has now been identified as increasing the risk of heart attack by 40% Both these drugs are used for arthritis!

Yet we have a drug that after 200 years of research has shown it's never killed anyone, marijuana! But it's illegal and the evidence is obvious, if it were legal these pharmacutical companies wouldn't be able to peddle their drugs of death on the general public as there would be a relatively safe alternative (compared to legal alternatives anyway) for arthritis sufferers in marijuana.

But the governments must be getting kick backs from these $multi billion companies to keep it illegal while they peddle there drugs of death and destruction! Such as Vioxx and Voltaren and most probably as we will see after they have been used for 20 or 30 years many other of these new drugs by the pharmacutical companies.

But I guess peoples health and safety is not as important as keeping the profits safe for these pharmacutical companies and their political buddies.


Voltaren Research Link

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