Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Road Safety People and Designers Need to go to jail for this!

The road junction in north-western Victoria where seven people were killed in a horrific head-on crash. Picture: David Caird

Seven killed in head-on horror

Shannon McRae, Jacqueline Freegard and Anthony Dowsley

September 27, 2006 12:00am
Article from: Herald-Sun

SEVEN people were killed when their vehicles smashed head-on and burst into twin fireballs on a country road.
A group of five in a car and two people in a small truck are believed to have died on impact before they were incinerated.

The tragedy happened at a dangerous Y intersection 9km north of Donald in the Wimmera

Sad how they can even design an intersection like this, but I've seen worse intersections! But the road safety people are aware this is a dangerous (high risk) intersection and all they do is focuss on behavioural controls instead of redesign the interesection and for that matter the whole road so you can't have a head on even with a loss of control of the vehicle.

This is manslaughter at best and murder at worst as there is a hierachy of controls and when a risk is identified it needs to be controlled and that's not with behavioural controls as the only option!

Will someone start prosecuting these road safety experts for impersonating safety professionals and the government and road designers for manslaughter please. At least then we might get our roads redesigned to save lives, trauma and money.


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