Wednesday, September 13, 2006

U.S. Airline proves that wasing resources on drug testing will lead to death

In a classic example of how using up safety resources to screen for drugs which over 200 years have shown no increase in risk over the general population when it comes to the workplace or roads for that matter, U.S. Airline Comair didn't even have the resources left to ensure their pilots have up to date maps of airfields, which led to the death of 49 people on an airline that crashed.

Take note becuase with these uneducated safety people heading up the Safety Institute in Australia they will come up with all these wastes of resources becuase they cannot look at the evidence only look at whether it makes them popular with the boses, which will lead to more and more of these incidents killing people.

And in this incident the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration used all the resources up on drug testing for drugs that present no evidentual risk such as marijuana, and left nothing to issue vitally important maps to pilots on runway changes!

Airline had outdated airport map

From correspondents in Lexington

September 13, 2006 04:47am
Article from: Agence France-Presse

COMAIR was using an outdated diagram of a Kentucky airport when a plane crashed after taking off from the wrong runway, killing 49 of the 50 people on board, the airline said today.

While the airport said it sent out notices advising pilots of recent construction on the runways, the pilots were using maps distributed in January that did not reflect the taxiway changes.

Those changes were also not reflected in new maps which were sent out to pilots on Saturday.

The airline responded by sending out warnings to pilots stating that "published airport diagrams do not accurately reflect actual airport signage and markings", spokeswoman Kate Marx said.

The maps are created by the National Aeronautical Charting Office, a branch of the US Federal Aviation Administration and provided to Comair through a private vendor.

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