Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Howard's IR Laws making Australia the Dumb Country

The effects of John Howards IR Laws are starting to show in a negative way.

These new laws are making Australian workers the Dumb workers of the world! If it's not bad enough that now employers are requiring employees to supply their own PPE, all you have to do is look at the job adds and see that people are required to supply their own safety boots, overalls and other ppe. A total disregard for safety laws which require the employer to provide a safe workplace and along with that goes ppe, under the guise that they are now contractors becuase of the new laws. This is a disregard totally for the safety laws and makes the majority of employers in the country criminals (break a law you are a criminal) as a contractor is still an employee (in the majority of cases) and as such the employer is ignoring their duty to provide a safe workplace and the Safety Institute stands by and just lets this crap happen! This makes the SIA a criminal organisation in my book.

But worse is the dumbing down of Australian workers with contracts. As an example I am going to use the supermarket trolley pusher.

Now when I was a teenager working for Safeway and then Franklins, you not only pushed trolleys, but you learnt stock control restocking shelves, dairy cases, produce sections and the like and you might even get on the registers and learn money handling and also would be required to unload trucks with goods.

But now, the kids are kept dumb becuase of the IR Laws and contracts and the trolley pusher now only pushes trolleys and takes their drugs while waiting for more trolleys in the cars park.

How dumb is this federal government? I believe they just don't care about people and money is the only objective but in a generation when the young have grown up without any real skills the finacial burden will be huge and as such the IR Laws are going to have long term consequences that will turn Australia into the dumb country and most probably a poor country to boot. At the very least there is no control over the PPE being supplied and therefore our safety standards are being eroded enormously.


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