Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Australian Defence will do everything they can to hide the truth in Kovco inquiry

It's clear to me after seeing how things are covered up by the Australian Defence force that the truth will never be clear about Private Kovco's death, in fact it wouldn't suprise me if the latest release of soldiers clowning around with their weapons was a set up by the Defence Force to cloud any truths that come out. The easiest way to tell will be when those soldiers in the video are still in the Defence Force as that will tell you they were ordered to do it! But then we won't hear the truth about that either.

The beauty of war is those in command of our defence forces can do whatever they want and kill off whoever they want without any focuss being put on those in command, and blame will be laid at the soldiers feet for something they most probably had no control over.

Kovco may be partly to blame, says inquiry

Bellinda Kontominas and AAP
September 19, 2006

THE board of inquiry into Private Jacob Kovco's fatal shooting may pin part of the blame on the soldier for his own death.

The three-man board of inquiry began hearing closing legal arguments yesterday about evidence relating to Private Kovco's death in Baghdad on April 21.

But last night his mother labelled the inquiry an army cover-up.

Judy Kovco told ABC television she had not yet come to terms with the loss of her son.

"This is face-saving from the army, this is not about my son's death," she said.

Mrs Kovco said she was prepared for the inquiry to come back with an open finding but was "100 per cent positive" that her son did not kill himself.

"There is no way known that Jake would have shot himself purposely.

"I was close to my son, he was happy, he loved his wife, he loved his children, he loved his family," Mrs Kovco told The 7.30 Report.

Judy Kovco is spot on in her comments and when you've seen people being exposed to live fire to take photo's during training becuase the Colnel didn't like them or girls being raped in the field becuase they raised an issue of concern against their C/O then you will understand the defence force is a corrupt law unto itself.


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