Monday, September 25, 2006

Rail Crossing Safety is a wank!

The Courier Mail Sept 23 page 13 has some report by some dopey, inexperienced, unqualified academic comenting on safety! Angela Wallace has reported that mistakes by drivers and risk taking are the major contributing factors on Queenlands 3,500 rail crossings. Ms Wallace is a PhD researcher with Queensland Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety!

Man with stupid comments like this she will probably be a chartered fellow of the Safety Institute of Australia, if not she will certainly get their quickly, she doesn't even have to finish her PhD (probably psycology) she has already made the uneducated leaders of the Safety Institute very happy ignoring totally the hierachy of controls and basic safety principles in favour of behavioural controls and focuss.

Now the article also refered to 74 deaths over 5 years, I was quite suprissed that there weren't a lot more given the number of crossings so I would suspect drivers are fully aware of the risks of rail crossings to keep this figure this low.

So the evidence to me points to Identifying the risk, (energy release from a collision) and control using the hierachy of controls, remove the crossings in favour of bridges and tunnels.

Simple hey and only a acedemic focussed on behaviour could come up with some stupid waste of money focussing on behaviour instead of removing the risks.


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