Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Police Move to increase profits from drugs

In a move that can only be seen as increasing the price of drugs to our kids, which inturn increases the profits to those corrupt police, polititians and organised crime with no benefit whatsover to the kids as they will still get the drugs.

By making this bust at this time they have also conveniently raised the profile of ecstacy so that more kids will know it's about and want to try it!

Drug bust just before schoolies week

November 14, 2006 06:23pm
Article from: AAP

A MAJOR drug bust has taken $357,000 worth of ecstasy and cocaine off the streets of the Gold Coast just days before the annual schoolies celebrations are due to get underway.

Police said detectives and drug squad officers raided 20 homes on the Gold Coast today, arresting 11 people on 66 charges including trafficking, supply and possession of dangerous drugs.

Three men charged with trafficking in ecstasy and cocaine will appear before the Southport Magistrates Court tomorrow with the other eight expected to appear in the same court on November 30.

Detective Superintendent Brian Wilkins of the State Drug and Property Crime Group said the seven-month Operation Echo Zenith had seriously disrupted the supply of ecstasy and cocaine on the Gold Coast.

"This operation has dismantled a major drug trafficking and distribution syndicate operating within the southeastern region," Det Supt Wilkins said.

"The closure of this operation was particularly timely as recent intelligence indicated that the ecstasy seized was destined for distribution at the forthcoming schoolies festival."

Schoolies celebrations are due to get underway on Friday.

Acting Detective Inspector Marc Hogan of the Gold Coast District CIB said there would be similar raids in future to break up the development of drug networks.

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