Tuesday, November 21, 2006

OHS Pay rates in Australia

Hay's Recruitment have released their latest income survey results and again it's a shame that OHS is recognised as the poor understudy of Human Resources, when it is far more than Human Resources and HR actually should be part of OHS not the other way round. I guess if the Safety Institute of Australia doesn't care to get it's leaders with qualifications how can OHS be recognised as a profession???

Sydney a safety manager is on average $100K, while in Melbourne it is $90K, Brisbane and Perth $80K

While a safety consultant average pay in Sydney is $75K, Melbourne it is $65K and lower in other states, with Queensland average of $55K highlighting it's lack of priority given to OHS personnel, reflecting the lack of qualifications needed in that state. Even with it's better than average employment growth, the legislation only calls for a five day WHSO course and in fact the 5 days is recognised above 15 years of qualifications reflecting the influence the Safety Institute of Australia and it's lack of recognition for real tertiary qualifications.

No wonder they have such stupid incidents in workplaces in QLD, employers look for the WHSO certificate above real qualifications.

but if you want to see the whole income survey go to Hays Recruitment and if you want just HR and OHS go here


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