Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blackhawk Helicopters

So another Blackhawk helicopter has gone down and killed a brave soldier!

These things are old pieces of junk and yet we allow our kids to be flown around in them, just waiting for more of them to die at anytime! When you think about it a car is made to last 13 years, a helicopter is made to last far less!

The Australian government can carry on all they like about refits but the subframe and structure are not replaced so we expect people to die and hope not too many.

But the worst thing is they are going to replace them with used helicopters from the U.S.

What a load of crap our defence force personnel are obviously not worth much when the Australian Government won't even buy new helicopters but used one's!

I believe our defence force personnel deserve the newest best helicopters as they are the bravest people who are protecting our freedom daily but the government just wants short term votes instead of long term safety!

Absolutely disgusting!

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