Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Drug Free week what a load of crap

Widespread Participation Makes First Drug-Free Work Week a Success

The first-ever Drug-Free Work Week (October 16-22, 2006) was a big success, with organizations across the country implementing innovative ideas to help reinforce to workers the importance of being drug free to improving workplace safety and health.

Drug-Free Work Week was a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the members of its Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, a cooperative program focused on improving safety and health in the construction and mining industries through drug-free workplace programs. Alliance members helped with the distribution of Drug-Free Work Week materials, published articles in their member publications, and helped facilitate local-level training and educational activities. During the week, they also convened at DOL’s National Office to renew the Alliance agreement and set priorities for the coming year.

Employers and employees in all industries, not just construction and mining, were also invited—and answered the call—to participate in Drug-Free Work Week. Individual organizations conducted a range of activities, ranging from simple, such as putting up a workplace display, to more comprehensive, such as implementing a drug-free workplace program.

What a load of crap! Displays make for a drug free week! Imagine if they spent the money wasted on this crap on actually engineering out risks in the workplace!

Oh that's right their not really interested in saving lives and preventing injuries, they only want to win votes and blame workers.

All the time the pollies and managers are sitting there drinking their alcohol, drinking their coffee and the like, no such thing as a drug free week and they know it!

Lets call it a pick on certain drugs week!

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