Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Climate Change

Just to highlight the pathetic nature of the Prime Minister of this country in regards to global warming and not signing the Kyoto agreement (setting an example to the U.S. instead of following the U.S. like dumb sheep) he has announced a $60 Million clean energy grant.

What a pathetic waste of money, consider the Prime Minister lies and decieves his way to spending $208 Million on advertising how good he is, $60 Million is an absolute joke!

It would be in the best interests of our children and childrens children to spend $Billions cleaning up the enviroment, $60 Million will just go to consultants and nothing will be done.

PM to announce $60m in clean energy grants

November 01, 2006 07:00am
Article from: AAP

PRIME Minister John Howard is due to announce $60 million in clean energy grants today, but the Government said the announcement a day after the controversial Stern climate report is coincidental.

The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, released in London, warns of economic and climatic disaster if urgent action is not taken to tackle global warming.

Mr Howard has told MPs not to be mesmerised by the report and said what is needed is a long-term approach with cleaner use of fossil fuels, and employing nuclear and renewable energies.

Today Mr Howard is due to hand out $60 million for 42 clean energy projects across Australia.

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