Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Safety Institute of Australia Website highlights their lack of committment to Health and Safety

Again the Safety Institute of Australia is highlighting on it's own website just how lacking in committment to health and safety they are!

I have highlighted the lack of committment and professionalism this corrupt organisation has by not gaining qualifications in the field.

The benefits of Health and Safety qualifications are numerous and include, elevating the field of health and safety to a profession (need to be qualified before we are recognised as a profession), there is also the point that these individuals prove they are competent just like the expect of the workers they advise and probably the most important aspect of qualifications is that while studying they pass on their knowledge to those learning the field of safety.

But as it is they ban those like me that are qualified to protect their corrupt buddies in the Safety Institute of Australia from having to prove they know anything with a qualification, which is totally detrimental to the health and safety of our workplaces and answers a lot of questions why so many are dying in Australian workplaces.

And you see it everywhere, safety managers without qualifications but members of the SIA cannot even develop a safety management system and instead go and purchase one!

To quote the Safety Institute of Australia website Tertiary qualifications in occupational health and safety have only been available in Australia since 1980.

Seems thirty years to these slacko's is not adequate enough time to get a qualification!!!! But we know the truth these people are incapable of gaining a qualification becuase they have had 30 years to do so and haven't yet!

Yet even though they are incapable and lack the knowledge to get a qualification and raise the profile of safety to a professional status they are chartered fellows of the Safety Institute of Australia and will continue to ban those that have the knowledge, experience and dedication to get qualified like me to protect the corruption in the industry that protects these dangerous people. They have lives in their hands and don't care enough to prove they are competent that stinks to me and one of them needs to be prosecuted for mansluaghter to change this farcical situation.

I'll remind you that I have a Grad Dip OHSM, Dip Scienc (OHS), Ass Dip Applied Science (OHS) and many other certificates relating to the field, I have also completed half the VIOSH Grad Dip OHM and 20 years practical experience in the OHS field.

That's why I am banned so they protect the slack corrupt people that lack the dedication to gain a qualification! And now they have this pathetic challenge assessment to help keep those corrupt (claiming to be a professional without a qualification is corruption) people in power.


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