Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Congratulations to Yossi Berger

I have bagged the Worksafe Awards becuase of the hypocritical nature, for example Tieman Lifts made the finalists in 2006 yet they have lifts on the back of trucks that continually trap workers between the lift and the truck.

Now becuase they have done nothing to control the risks, and those risks include killing people from being crushed there is no way they deserve a health and safety award, especially when a collapsing blind or screen could elimate the risks altogether and becuase Worksafe have no idea they are left to kill even more workers.

But occasionally an award is given that is truly deserving and this year I hear (word of mouth) that Yossi Berger has recieved an award for his outstanding efforts to improve the health and safety of workers.

I've worked with Yossi, especially when it came to Respirable Silica in the racing industry and while excentric he is also brilliant and has campaigned for decades to improve the working conditions of all workers.

His work with Helmut Gries (I'll print some extracts from his book one day) and PCB's really stands out in my book, his committment and courage shown to prevent more illness and death from PCB's highlights his dedication and committment to peoples health and safety.

He is also qualified highlighting his committment to health and safety even further.

There are only a half dozen or so Safety Professionals in this country that I admire and Yossi has to be at the top of the list! Now if we could get people like this running the Safety Institute of Australia we could really be recognised as a profession, instead of the unqualified, corrupt leaders we have now protecting their own positions at the expense of the profession in this country.

Well done and thank you for all your effort Yossi and well done to Victorian Worksafe for recognising his efforts.


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