Monday, October 23, 2006

Safety Institute of Australia Fails all dedicated safety professionals.

Interesting that to become a Fellow in the medical profession it takes at least 8 years of hard study and qualifications before you can become a Fellow of the profession!

Now a surgeon will only have one life in his/her hands at any one time, yet a person in the safety field can have an entire workplaces health and safety, or lives in their hands but becuase of the corruption in the safety industry, you don't need a qualification!

To the point that those of us that are dedicated enough and love the field of safety so much to get themselves qualified are banned by the unqualified rabble running safety in this country.

It's a sad state of affairs in this country with the corruption in safety allowing unqualified people to become fellows and chartered fellows.

Someone needs to do something about this so safety is recognised as a profession, this won't be the safety institute as there are too many unqualified people in the organisation protecting themselves at the expense of safety as a profession.

Sad Sad Sad

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