Monday, October 23, 2006

Road Safety - Police Investigations Floored

Again we see the police going into road accident investigations with preconcieved outcomes, which makes for a floored investigation with conflicts of interest. With the death of 4 teenagers in NSW and before any investigations are completed the police come out with a statement "NSW Police said no other vehicles were involved and they were investigating whether excess speed or alcohol contributed to the accident."

So how are we suppose to identify the risks and identify control measures when they focuss on behaviour and blamming someone driving?

We can't and this is the direct reflection of the Safety Institute of Australia and it's allowing of members, fellows and chartered fellows not needing to be tertiary qualified!

Yep these people by not having the committement to safety and proving their competence with qualifications are bringing the whole safety field down and we cannot be professionals with these clowns running safety.

And for police to comment on investigations before outcomes of that investigation are published are just adding to the absolute failure in safety in this country.

There needs to be a public and political outcry about unqualified safety personnel being in safety in the first place and they should in no way be making comment on human behaviour over risk control.

The magistrates and judges in this country need to be educated about safety and the lack of qualified people in this corrupt field, especially the Safety Institute of Australia and it's corrupt practices of allowing unqualified people in and banning those with commitment and experience to get qualified.

But then that's how the old mans club works, have family members in power together in the Safety Institute of Australia so then they can ban any opposition.

But it's all at the expense of 5,000 workers lives a year and almost 2,000 road accident deaths a year, but then they are making money and in this country it doesn't matter if you kill someone (in this case 7,000 people a year) as long as you make money out of it.

I believe that any member of the Safety Institute of Australia that is found not to have identified a risk that kills and not recommended controls that don't involve behvavioural modification should face at least 5 years jail!!!! That would clean out all these slack people that claim they are safety professionals without qualifications and then we could be finally classed as a profession.


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