Lets put it in perspective, the last complaint I recieved (Was sort of a warning to not rock the boat) was from a army chaplin! He told me there was a girl that raised concerns regarding the Commanding Officer, she was now in hospital after being raped and abused by at least 7 soldiers in the field and not one witness.
Now these sexual predators and abusers want the kids even younger becuase they are easier to manipulate and abuse, either sexually, physically or mentally.
And the biggest problem is that becuase they are so young no one will believe them when they raise a complaint of harrasment or abuse, it's hard enough to be heard in the defence force anyway as they loose documentation, put investigators in charge of investigations who have conflicts of interest and the like so even if they do complain no one will listen.
Lets see! Hmmm I've found the final letter outlining why my complaint of harassment failed:
- The original investigating officer having a conflict of interest so it had to reinvestigated a long time after the fact! Important fact this one as they had a conflict of interests it would be safe to assume they also misplaced, deliberately lost or destroyed most of the evidence.
- Mediator recommending against mediation becuase of the seriousness of the harassment, which included illegal imprisonment of a civilian worker and other forms of abuse.
- Some of the respondents were overseas untill the end of november 2004, complaint was made in 2003 and the investigation report was finally recieved in Sept 2005 almost 2 years after the incidents, with the letter being sent to me in October 2005
The beauty of all this even with the police, illegal taping of conversations and the like they found no dirt on me! They couldn't even make some up the Lord kept me that clean.
I warn all parents do not let your children join the defence force. (I've attached a copy of the final letter 2 years and a bit after the initial complaint was made so all parents can see why they shouldn't let the kids join the army. And remember this was a training facility for new soldiers so imagine what happens in the field
Sincerely Concerned
Daniel Di-Giusto
To read clearly click on picture and enlarge.

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