Again the Safety Institute of Australia is highlighting on it's own website just how lacking in committment to health and safety they are!
I have highlighted the lack of committment and professionalism this corrupt organisation has by not gaining qualifications in the field.
The benefits of Health and Safety qualifications are numerous and include, elevating the field of health and safety to a profession (need to be qualified before we are recognised as a profession), there is also the point that these individuals prove they are competent just like the expect of the workers they advise and probably the most important aspect of qualifications is that while studying they pass on their knowledge to those learning the field of safety.
But as it is they ban those like me that are qualified to protect their corrupt buddies in the Safety Institute of Australia from having to prove they know anything with a qualification, which is totally detrimental to the health and safety of our workplaces and answers a lot of questions why so many are dying in Australian workplaces.
And you see it everywhere, safety managers without qualifications but members of the SIA cannot even develop a safety management system and instead go and purchase one!
To quote the Safety Institute of Australia website Tertiary qualifications in occupational health and safety have only been available in Australia since 1980.
Seems thirty years to these slacko's is not adequate enough time to get a qualification!!!! But we know the truth these people are incapable of gaining a qualification becuase they have had 30 years to do so and haven't yet!
Yet even though they are incapable and lack the knowledge to get a qualification and raise the profile of safety to a professional status they are chartered fellows of the Safety Institute of Australia and will continue to ban those that have the knowledge, experience and dedication to get qualified like me to protect the corruption in the industry that protects these dangerous people. They have lives in their hands and don't care enough to prove they are competent that stinks to me and one of them needs to be prosecuted for mansluaghter to change this farcical situation.
I'll remind you that I have a Grad Dip OHSM, Dip Scienc (OHS), Ass Dip Applied Science (OHS) and many other certificates relating to the field, I have also completed half the VIOSH Grad Dip OHM and 20 years practical experience in the OHS field.
That's why I am banned so they protect the slack corrupt people that lack the dedication to gain a qualification! And now they have this pathetic challenge assessment to help keep those corrupt (claiming to be a professional without a qualification is corruption) people in power.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Worksafe Awards Solutions Catalogue
Here is a site worth bookmarking for all those safety practitioners out there!
Worksafe Victoria used to have a SHARE Solutions program which published innovative controls to particular risks in the workplace. It was too bad the insurance company that took over only wanted to know about profits and canned the program. I have posted a number of those solutions on the Workplace Health and Safety Website but have many more available.
But now they also have a data base that is accessable by all with all the awards finalists over the last few years and their solutions.
I'm sure many of you will find this site useful in controlling risks in your workplace.
You can find it here
Worksafe Victoria used to have a SHARE Solutions program which published innovative controls to particular risks in the workplace. It was too bad the insurance company that took over only wanted to know about profits and canned the program. I have posted a number of those solutions on the Workplace Health and Safety Website but have many more available.
But now they also have a data base that is accessable by all with all the awards finalists over the last few years and their solutions.
I'm sure many of you will find this site useful in controlling risks in your workplace.
You can find it here
Congratulations to Yossi Berger
I have bagged the Worksafe Awards becuase of the hypocritical nature, for example Tieman Lifts made the finalists in 2006 yet they have lifts on the back of trucks that continually trap workers between the lift and the truck.
Now becuase they have done nothing to control the risks, and those risks include killing people from being crushed there is no way they deserve a health and safety award, especially when a collapsing blind or screen could elimate the risks altogether and becuase Worksafe have no idea they are left to kill even more workers.
But occasionally an award is given that is truly deserving and this year I hear (word of mouth) that Yossi Berger has recieved an award for his outstanding efforts to improve the health and safety of workers.
I've worked with Yossi, especially when it came to Respirable Silica in the racing industry and while excentric he is also brilliant and has campaigned for decades to improve the working conditions of all workers.
His work with Helmut Gries (I'll print some extracts from his book one day) and PCB's really stands out in my book, his committment and courage shown to prevent more illness and death from PCB's highlights his dedication and committment to peoples health and safety.
He is also qualified highlighting his committment to health and safety even further.
There are only a half dozen or so Safety Professionals in this country that I admire and Yossi has to be at the top of the list! Now if we could get people like this running the Safety Institute of Australia we could really be recognised as a profession, instead of the unqualified, corrupt leaders we have now protecting their own positions at the expense of the profession in this country.
Well done and thank you for all your effort Yossi and well done to Victorian Worksafe for recognising his efforts.
Now becuase they have done nothing to control the risks, and those risks include killing people from being crushed there is no way they deserve a health and safety award, especially when a collapsing blind or screen could elimate the risks altogether and becuase Worksafe have no idea they are left to kill even more workers.
But occasionally an award is given that is truly deserving and this year I hear (word of mouth) that Yossi Berger has recieved an award for his outstanding efforts to improve the health and safety of workers.
I've worked with Yossi, especially when it came to Respirable Silica in the racing industry and while excentric he is also brilliant and has campaigned for decades to improve the working conditions of all workers.
His work with Helmut Gries (I'll print some extracts from his book one day) and PCB's really stands out in my book, his committment and courage shown to prevent more illness and death from PCB's highlights his dedication and committment to peoples health and safety.
He is also qualified highlighting his committment to health and safety even further.
There are only a half dozen or so Safety Professionals in this country that I admire and Yossi has to be at the top of the list! Now if we could get people like this running the Safety Institute of Australia we could really be recognised as a profession, instead of the unqualified, corrupt leaders we have now protecting their own positions at the expense of the profession in this country.
Well done and thank you for all your effort Yossi and well done to Victorian Worksafe for recognising his efforts.
Australia moves further to kill of the poor!
Not satisfied with making it impossible for the poor or ill to get education that improves employment prospects (eg $1995 for Cert IV in Training and Assessment) they are now moving to beat the crap out of the homeless hoping they will die.
I have first hand experience at this with two police officers trying to beat the crap out of me just becuase I'm a pensioner. The police are that dumb though that they don't realise morphine allows them to hit me as often as they like and it don't hurt!
I did make a complaint but the police know they can do this to the poor, homeless and downtrodden as no one listens and besides one of the coppers broke his hand hitting me, as the investigator said, that should be enough punishment for the officer! Just look at the Safety Instititute as an example, just becuase you have an illness they will bully you out of the organisation, even if you are more qualified and experienced than the corrupt leaders of the SIA.
And here is proof of how they are going to kill off the homeless and the polititians support it with their laws!
Minister admits arrest looks 'excessive'
October 30, 2006 08:54pm
Article from: AAP
QUEENSLAND police minister Judy Spence has admitted the arrest of a homeless man in Brisbane's CBD caught on security vision looked "like an excessive use of police force".
The footage shows four police officers struggling with Brendan James Rowe, 65, during his arrest for public nuisance in July.
One of the officers appears to be kneeing the pensioner repeatedly.
Ms Spence said police were reviewing training and procedures, agreeing the arrest looked "dreadful".
"Most people, and I'm like most people, would look at that footage and think it looks pretty dreadful and think it looks like an excessive use of police force," she said on ABC television tonight.
But she defended the state's tough public nuisance laws, saying they had widespread community support.
Oh that's right we invaded Iraq for less than this but it's ok in this country!
I have first hand experience at this with two police officers trying to beat the crap out of me just becuase I'm a pensioner. The police are that dumb though that they don't realise morphine allows them to hit me as often as they like and it don't hurt!
I did make a complaint but the police know they can do this to the poor, homeless and downtrodden as no one listens and besides one of the coppers broke his hand hitting me, as the investigator said, that should be enough punishment for the officer! Just look at the Safety Instititute as an example, just becuase you have an illness they will bully you out of the organisation, even if you are more qualified and experienced than the corrupt leaders of the SIA.
And here is proof of how they are going to kill off the homeless and the polititians support it with their laws!
Minister admits arrest looks 'excessive'
October 30, 2006 08:54pm
Article from: AAP
QUEENSLAND police minister Judy Spence has admitted the arrest of a homeless man in Brisbane's CBD caught on security vision looked "like an excessive use of police force".
The footage shows four police officers struggling with Brendan James Rowe, 65, during his arrest for public nuisance in July.
One of the officers appears to be kneeing the pensioner repeatedly.
Ms Spence said police were reviewing training and procedures, agreeing the arrest looked "dreadful".
"Most people, and I'm like most people, would look at that footage and think it looks pretty dreadful and think it looks like an excessive use of police force," she said on ABC television tonight.
But she defended the state's tough public nuisance laws, saying they had widespread community support.
Oh that's right we invaded Iraq for less than this but it's ok in this country!
Drug Laws continue to damage countries health
It is disgusting how those in politics make laws against drugs that harm the country and the latest evidence is showing just how much damage these hypocritical laws are doing to the country, especially the young.
Polititians and police not satisfied that they have made out marijuana is the most dangerous drug and pushing our teenagers onto drugs like GHB which are truly dangerous but as nothing is more dangerous than marijuana they have no leg to educate the young about these new wave of drugs. These laws are also forcing organised crime to recruit even younger kids to sell their drugs.
Decriminalise marijuana and as experienced in Amsterdam drug useage will actually drop!
Playground drug deals revealed
October 31, 2006 12:00am
Article from: AAP
CHILDREN as young as 10 have been involved in playground drug deals, it has been revealed.
A grade five girl was caught by her principal trying to sell marijuana at a Victorian state school in 2003, News Limited newspapers report today.
The principal confiscated the drugs and notified the girl's parents and police.
In another case in 2002, a year five school girl with a history of “behaviour difficulties” was found intoxicated after being seen drinking on her way to school.
The same year, a parent punched a teacher and attacked a principal with a machete during a parent-teacher interview after his child's behaviour was criticised.
News Limited was granted access to the cases following a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal ruling.
Other reports included details of sexual behaviour by young children, terrorising behaviour by a student, an alleged assault by a teacher on a student and the sexual assault of a student by other students.
It is clear by all the evidence that alcohol is responsible for more death and violence than all the others combined yet it is legal!!!!
You can get morphine in high doses legally for pain, but morphine kills your emotions and causes fits of anger and yet pot with it's medicinal benefits and limited health effects is illegal.
And it's all becuase polititians and police are not interested in people's health but the ability to make a profit. If people couldn't grow their own medication such as marijuana but it was brought from a corrupt pharmacutical company it would be legal!
Polititians and police not satisfied that they have made out marijuana is the most dangerous drug and pushing our teenagers onto drugs like GHB which are truly dangerous but as nothing is more dangerous than marijuana they have no leg to educate the young about these new wave of drugs. These laws are also forcing organised crime to recruit even younger kids to sell their drugs.
Decriminalise marijuana and as experienced in Amsterdam drug useage will actually drop!
Playground drug deals revealed
October 31, 2006 12:00am
Article from: AAP
CHILDREN as young as 10 have been involved in playground drug deals, it has been revealed.
A grade five girl was caught by her principal trying to sell marijuana at a Victorian state school in 2003, News Limited newspapers report today.
The principal confiscated the drugs and notified the girl's parents and police.
In another case in 2002, a year five school girl with a history of “behaviour difficulties” was found intoxicated after being seen drinking on her way to school.
The same year, a parent punched a teacher and attacked a principal with a machete during a parent-teacher interview after his child's behaviour was criticised.
News Limited was granted access to the cases following a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal ruling.
Other reports included details of sexual behaviour by young children, terrorising behaviour by a student, an alleged assault by a teacher on a student and the sexual assault of a student by other students.
It is clear by all the evidence that alcohol is responsible for more death and violence than all the others combined yet it is legal!!!!
You can get morphine in high doses legally for pain, but morphine kills your emotions and causes fits of anger and yet pot with it's medicinal benefits and limited health effects is illegal.
And it's all becuase polititians and police are not interested in people's health but the ability to make a profit. If people couldn't grow their own medication such as marijuana but it was brought from a corrupt pharmacutical company it would be legal!
Tractor Safety
Probably the worst incident involving a tractor is to get caught in the PTO shaft!
Man dead in tractor accident
October 31, 2006 09:03am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
AN elderly man has died in a tractor accident on a farm near Wangaratta in Victoria.
The Rural Ambulance Service said it was called to a property at Whorouly, in the state's northeast, just before 6.30am (AEDT).
Spokeswoman Tanya Whelan said the 72-year-old man became caught up in the shaft at the rear of the tractor and died at the scene.
Ms Whelan said WorkSafe Victoria would investigate
Many die from rollovers and the like but to have parts of your body caught in a PTO shaft would be slow and painful. Ungaurded PTO shafts are especially high risk but even the gaurds fitted to tractor PTO shafts are totally inadequate and the slack enforcement agencies will not prosecute a designer or manufacturer and as such they do not improve the safety of their products.
I spoke to 10,s of thousands of farmers with the farm safety van for workcover and every single one of them had a close call with a PTO shaft. Many of them told me that their clothes were ripped off or similar which saved them.
Now if the Workcover's and Worksafe's of this country weren't run by insurance companies something would have been done years ago to improve design of PTO guarding so it actually prevented people comming into contact with them.
But no, insurance companies like Workcover run around too scared or totally lacking knowledge in safety or else they would see there are provisions in every safety legisaltion in this country for manufacturers and designers to remove risks.
Obviously they have no knowledge in safety or it would have been done scores of years ago.
Man dead in tractor accident
October 31, 2006 09:03am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
AN elderly man has died in a tractor accident on a farm near Wangaratta in Victoria.
The Rural Ambulance Service said it was called to a property at Whorouly, in the state's northeast, just before 6.30am (AEDT).
Spokeswoman Tanya Whelan said the 72-year-old man became caught up in the shaft at the rear of the tractor and died at the scene.
Ms Whelan said WorkSafe Victoria would investigate
Many die from rollovers and the like but to have parts of your body caught in a PTO shaft would be slow and painful. Ungaurded PTO shafts are especially high risk but even the gaurds fitted to tractor PTO shafts are totally inadequate and the slack enforcement agencies will not prosecute a designer or manufacturer and as such they do not improve the safety of their products.
I spoke to 10,s of thousands of farmers with the farm safety van for workcover and every single one of them had a close call with a PTO shaft. Many of them told me that their clothes were ripped off or similar which saved them.
Now if the Workcover's and Worksafe's of this country weren't run by insurance companies something would have been done years ago to improve design of PTO guarding so it actually prevented people comming into contact with them.
But no, insurance companies like Workcover run around too scared or totally lacking knowledge in safety or else they would see there are provisions in every safety legisaltion in this country for manufacturers and designers to remove risks.
Obviously they have no knowledge in safety or it would have been done scores of years ago.
Police Move to Shore up income from speed camera's
Well the police and polititians have moved to protect their income from speed camera's
Brakes on speed spies
Emma Chalmers and Rosemary Odgers
October 30, 2006 11:00pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail
CONTROVERSIAL services that alert motorists to speed camera locations will be forced to shut down as part of the State Government's road safety crackdown.
Under the new laws, it will be illegal to profit from telling motorists where police have set up traffic enforcement operations. However, radio stations will be able to continue to broadcast speed camera locations.
Adam Bush, creator of Gold Coast company Road Spy, which sells motorists information including speed camera spots, says he may be able to find a loophole to keep his business running.
"We're waiting on a copy of the proposed legislation and at this stage it looks like we may have to restructure our business as a non-profit organisation," he said.
Police Minister Judy Spence ordered the crackdown after branding such services "irresponsible".
This just proves that speed camera's are not in anyway installed to reduce the road toll but are used as a way of raising funds for governments.
It is obvious that if there is a black spot or high accident zone where speed camera's are installed that they should be made obvious so they do what their intention is and that is to reduce speed.
But the criminal polititians in this country don't want you to know where they are becuase they know speed camera's do not save lives they only increase the revenue to the governments!
And speed camera by stealth is the best way to raise incomes for the governments, if they were concerned about blackspot areas they would highlight the speed camera so people actually slow down.
But they also know that speed doesn't kill and this is the greatest proof that speed doesn't kill!!! If it did the government and police would be moving to make speed camera's totally obvious and highlight their presence to slow motorists down.
Again if they did slow motorists down though they would miss out of $millions in revenue so it's in the governments and police best interests to keep people speeding, hide the enforcement devices so motorists don't slow down and viola instant revenue for the government.
What an absolute joke.
Brakes on speed spies
Emma Chalmers and Rosemary Odgers
October 30, 2006 11:00pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail
CONTROVERSIAL services that alert motorists to speed camera locations will be forced to shut down as part of the State Government's road safety crackdown.
Under the new laws, it will be illegal to profit from telling motorists where police have set up traffic enforcement operations. However, radio stations will be able to continue to broadcast speed camera locations.
Adam Bush, creator of Gold Coast company Road Spy, which sells motorists information including speed camera spots, says he may be able to find a loophole to keep his business running.
"We're waiting on a copy of the proposed legislation and at this stage it looks like we may have to restructure our business as a non-profit organisation," he said.
Police Minister Judy Spence ordered the crackdown after branding such services "irresponsible".
This just proves that speed camera's are not in anyway installed to reduce the road toll but are used as a way of raising funds for governments.
It is obvious that if there is a black spot or high accident zone where speed camera's are installed that they should be made obvious so they do what their intention is and that is to reduce speed.
But the criminal polititians in this country don't want you to know where they are becuase they know speed camera's do not save lives they only increase the revenue to the governments!
And speed camera by stealth is the best way to raise incomes for the governments, if they were concerned about blackspot areas they would highlight the speed camera so people actually slow down.
But they also know that speed doesn't kill and this is the greatest proof that speed doesn't kill!!! If it did the government and police would be moving to make speed camera's totally obvious and highlight their presence to slow motorists down.
Again if they did slow motorists down though they would miss out of $millions in revenue so it's in the governments and police best interests to keep people speeding, hide the enforcement devices so motorists don't slow down and viola instant revenue for the government.
What an absolute joke.
Monday, October 30, 2006
South Australian Government recognises the need to protect the most poor of workers
A big well done to the S.A. Government for recognising this need, it would be great if the new Code of Practice passes. I would hope they include the need to be recognised as employees of these major retailers that provide the work so safety conditions do improve as well.
Government moves to protect outworkers
October 30, 2006 08:21am
Article from: AAP
THE South Australian Government has moved to stamp out sweatshop working conditions in Adelaide's suburbs by proposing better protection for clothing outworkers.
Acting Industrial Relations Minister John Hill has released for public consultation a new code of practice which would improve the wages and conditions for outworkers.
Government moves to protect outworkers
October 30, 2006 08:21am
Article from: AAP
THE South Australian Government has moved to stamp out sweatshop working conditions in Adelaide's suburbs by proposing better protection for clothing outworkers.
Acting Industrial Relations Minister John Hill has released for public consultation a new code of practice which would improve the wages and conditions for outworkers.
Schools to get Chaplians what a good idea
Chaplains 'will not force religion on kids'
October 30, 2006 09:08am
Article from: AAP
A NEW chaplaincy program would not force religion on children but would give them more choices, federal Education Minister Julie Bishop said today.
Under the initiative, all schools will be able to apply for a subsidy of up to $20,000 a year to employ a chaplain.
The chaplains will not be expected to have a religious background but will be required to provide spiritual guidance to students.
This would be a major positive for safety in our workplaces with the values these chaplians could pass onto those kids providing for more responsible workforce. It also would provide the kids with answers that Evolutionalism doesn't provide.
October 30, 2006 09:08am
Article from: AAP
A NEW chaplaincy program would not force religion on children but would give them more choices, federal Education Minister Julie Bishop said today.
Under the initiative, all schools will be able to apply for a subsidy of up to $20,000 a year to employ a chaplain.
The chaplains will not be expected to have a religious background but will be required to provide spiritual guidance to students.
This would be a major positive for safety in our workplaces with the values these chaplians could pass onto those kids providing for more responsible workforce. It also would provide the kids with answers that Evolutionalism doesn't provide.
Can a risk assessment be undertaken on this incident and what are the controls?
Police officer thrown from horse
October 30, 2006 08:53am
Article from: AAP
A MOUNTED police officer was injured when his horse reared up and threw him in central Melbourne this morning.
The officer was patrolling Southbank Boulevard about 8.50am (AEDT) when the acident happened, a Victoria Police spokeswoman said.
The officer suffered shoulder injuries.
This is an unusual event but something that could occur and has (don't have the figures on how many police officers fall off horses).
So for legislative purposes we have identified the hazard as a fall from a horse.
What would the risks be? Doesn't really matter in regards to legislative purposes we have identified a risk of injury at least so it must be controlled.
For prioritising in a big organisation though we might say there is a high likelihood of this occuring as they are working with animals that are unpredictable to an extent (they are highlighly trained).
As for cosequences though that could be a bit tricky in this situation. If we take the worst case scenario, it would start with serious injury, but what if the officer fell while controlling a violent crowd? It could be far worse, even death.
So now we have a hazard that is assessed as a high to very high risk and it needs to be controlled to comply with legislative requirements.
Elimination. The mounted police serve a vital role in public control issues and without them the risk of injury and death to people would be much higher, so it's obvious we cannot elimate them. It would be nice if we could eliminate the need to use them but that is not going to happen in the immediate future so that's out too.
Substitution. Again there is nothing to substitute the important role the mounted police provide without compromising the safety of the public they serve to protect.
Engineering. There could be circumstances that barriers and other crowd control measures be implimented into a venue or area of concern, this would need to be assessed on individual situtations and would not eliminate the need to use the mounted police for the majority of circumstances.
Administration. I believe the police have already covered the area of behavioural controls with policies and procedures implemented for all percievable circumstances that could arise. There will be a need for procedures if new PPE is advised.
Personal Protective Equipment. Ah my least favourite control measure but in this incident after working through the hierarchy of controls it is the only percievable control left that may offer further protection to the officers.
As the injury that resulted from this incident are shoulder injuries, that will be our focuss for controls, utilising PPE as the control option. And in this case as is the case with horse racing jockeys, the motorcycle racing industry already has many options available. Full body armour might not be required but surely some shoulder protection and as there could be a risk to the spine with this sort of incident a spine protector modified to suit horse riding should also be adopted.
Just taking you through the heirachy as there are not many workplace risks that I believe need to adopt PPE or Procedures but this incident is a good example of where PPE could provide useful in reducing the risks as far as practical.
Something New
Sometimes an incident comes along that I haven't seen before, maybe others have seen this occur and I have seen the results of truck tyres exploding in tyre centres but a pedestrian, that's new.
A WOMAN was injured when the tyre of a semi-trailer exploded as she and her young daughter crossed a road in Sydney today.
The woman suffered burns to her feet and was hit by shards of metal and rubber when the tyre on the passing truck exploded in Parramatta about 9am (AEDT).
She was crossing Marion and Church streets with her three-year-old daughter at the time, the NSW Ambulance Service said.
The girl was not hurt, but her mother was taken to Westmead Hospital in a stable condition.
A WOMAN was injured when the tyre of a semi-trailer exploded as she and her young daughter crossed a road in Sydney today.
The woman suffered burns to her feet and was hit by shards of metal and rubber when the tyre on the passing truck exploded in Parramatta about 9am (AEDT).
She was crossing Marion and Church streets with her three-year-old daughter at the time, the NSW Ambulance Service said.
The girl was not hurt, but her mother was taken to Westmead Hospital in a stable condition.
Friday, October 27, 2006
68 cents per hour pay rise rocks Corporate Australia
Wow the Fair Pay commission awarded a wopping 68 Cents per hour pay rise for our lowest paid workers!
And now those high paid executives and polititians are crying too much!
Yet the Polititians awarded themselves a 7% pay rise this year and if we look at say a low paid polititian on $100 000 a year, they awarded themselves a pay rise of $3.65 per hour!
That's almost 600% more than the low paid workers recieved and that was all pretty quite so if 68 Cents an hour pay rise is excessive, then what is $3.60 per hour a pig out???
This fair pay commission, the unions and the government are all in bed together here to make this process look fair but it is definately not! If it was fair then a $3.60 per hour pay rise would have seemed Just adequate in my book!
But no the rich get richer from this decision and the poor get poorer and a pushed closer over the edge from this totally unfair process that is widening the gap between the poor and the rich further each time a focuss on percentage is made.
To be fair cost of living increases would be based on the income of our poorest paid people and then we would see how big the real cost of living increases are on our poor in society!
Oh some CEO just awarded himself a multimillion dollar pay rise and gets his millions in bonuses for keeping wages so low and supressing the poor!!!!!!!
And now those high paid executives and polititians are crying too much!
Yet the Polititians awarded themselves a 7% pay rise this year and if we look at say a low paid polititian on $100 000 a year, they awarded themselves a pay rise of $3.65 per hour!
That's almost 600% more than the low paid workers recieved and that was all pretty quite so if 68 Cents an hour pay rise is excessive, then what is $3.60 per hour a pig out???
This fair pay commission, the unions and the government are all in bed together here to make this process look fair but it is definately not! If it was fair then a $3.60 per hour pay rise would have seemed Just adequate in my book!
But no the rich get richer from this decision and the poor get poorer and a pushed closer over the edge from this totally unfair process that is widening the gap between the poor and the rich further each time a focuss on percentage is made.
To be fair cost of living increases would be based on the income of our poorest paid people and then we would see how big the real cost of living increases are on our poor in society!
Oh some CEO just awarded himself a multimillion dollar pay rise and gets his millions in bonuses for keeping wages so low and supressing the poor!!!!!!!
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali over reaction
The Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali AUSTRALIA'S leading Muslim cleric has made some comments regarding womens' dressing that have outraged Australia's media anyway.
There has been a total overeaction to his comments in my book. Yes I believe they are an extreme view quote compared immodestly dressed women to uncovered meat that attracted cats.
"The uncovered meat is the problem," he said.
"If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred."
What is occuring today in our society is also the other extreme view so why aren't we allowed to comment against?
For instance I won't let my children watch the music shows on 3 channels on Saturday mornings becuase of the absolute pornography that is accepted in this society as normal. Things like Christina Aqulera (not sure of spelling) grinding on top of men with nothing but skimpy underwear on is so accepted in this society that it is put on in children's time slots and the same goes for heaps of those clips they all seem to want to out do each other with the sexual content.
Personally I think the Sheik is onto something here! Sure I believe we as men should have more self discipline and self control not to have to have women wear a hijab and believe we as men should have enough self control and self discipline to allow women to dress to look pretty but to dress in a way that depicts sex or shows off parts of the body that excite men is irresponsible of women also.
And as most men know is that while they might not act on a thought and have the control not to want to act on a thought, they will nearly all have seen an attractive women dressed in a way that excites them and have a sexual thought. There are other reasons men might have sexual thoughts about women, I won't delve into.
But to have had the thought is just as evil a sin as to act and as Jesus said Mark 7 "19For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.")
20He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' 21For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.' "
So it is men that are the problem here and women should understand that men have a great temptation of the flesh and should understand not to dress provocatively, not expect to change men. Men should also be responsible and have enough self discipline to allow women not to have to wear a Hijab.
But the main point being is that the Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali should be allowed to express his opinion, if this is a free country!
He doesn't threaten anyone with his comments but presents an insight into why he believes these assaults occur. It's one opinion and if we don't hear all extremes of the debate then we cannot find any middle ground.
As it is the current society is far too sexually explicit with advertising, movies, music video's and the way that seems to have children's sexy underwear lines in major clothing chains, showing the extremists in the no morals group are allowed to do anything they want without any responsibility or accountability..
There has been a total overeaction to his comments in my book. Yes I believe they are an extreme view quote compared immodestly dressed women to uncovered meat that attracted cats.
"The uncovered meat is the problem," he said.
"If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred."
What is occuring today in our society is also the other extreme view so why aren't we allowed to comment against?
For instance I won't let my children watch the music shows on 3 channels on Saturday mornings becuase of the absolute pornography that is accepted in this society as normal. Things like Christina Aqulera (not sure of spelling) grinding on top of men with nothing but skimpy underwear on is so accepted in this society that it is put on in children's time slots and the same goes for heaps of those clips they all seem to want to out do each other with the sexual content.
Personally I think the Sheik is onto something here! Sure I believe we as men should have more self discipline and self control not to have to have women wear a hijab and believe we as men should have enough self control and self discipline to allow women to dress to look pretty but to dress in a way that depicts sex or shows off parts of the body that excite men is irresponsible of women also.
And as most men know is that while they might not act on a thought and have the control not to want to act on a thought, they will nearly all have seen an attractive women dressed in a way that excites them and have a sexual thought. There are other reasons men might have sexual thoughts about women, I won't delve into.
But to have had the thought is just as evil a sin as to act and as Jesus said Mark 7 "19For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.")
20He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' 21For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.' "
So it is men that are the problem here and women should understand that men have a great temptation of the flesh and should understand not to dress provocatively, not expect to change men. Men should also be responsible and have enough self discipline to allow women not to have to wear a Hijab.
But the main point being is that the Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali should be allowed to express his opinion, if this is a free country!
He doesn't threaten anyone with his comments but presents an insight into why he believes these assaults occur. It's one opinion and if we don't hear all extremes of the debate then we cannot find any middle ground.
As it is the current society is far too sexually explicit with advertising, movies, music video's and the way that seems to have children's sexy underwear lines in major clothing chains, showing the extremists in the no morals group are allowed to do anything they want without any responsibility or accountability..
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Why isn't a person's life worth this much?
Enron's Skilling jailed for 24yrs
From correspondents in Houston
October 24, 2006 07:06am
Article from: Agence France-Presse
FORMER Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling was sentenced today to more than 24 years in prison for massive fraud and conspiracy in one of the biggest corporate scandals in US history.
"Crimes of this magnitude deserve severe punishment," Judge Sim Lake said when handing down the 292-month sentence.
Skilling, 52, who had faced a maximum of 185 years in jail, told the court he planned to appeal his conviction stemming from the 2001 collapse of the Houston-based energy giant under a mountain of shady deals.
"I am innocent of these charges," Skilling told the court.
So why is a bit of money more important than people's lives????? In contrast a company like Jame's Hardie can kill millions of people over the years with full knowledge that this would happen and get off scott free????? In fact they get off that lightly for killing people their shares increase significantly.
No someone needs to get the priorities right and corporations that kill for profits should have their directors charged with industrial murder.
But then in this sick world of capatilism it's ok to kill for profits as James Hardie has done but it's not alright to take a bit of money.
A little man with power wants war with everyone
Howard laughs off 'bully' tag
From correspondents in Nadi
October 24, 2006 09:02am
Article from: AAP
PRIME Minister John Howard today laughed off accusations by other Pacific leaders that Australia was being an arrogant bully .
Mr Howard said comments made ahead of today's Pacific Island Forum retreat in Fiji over Australia's behaviour in regard to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea had been over the top.
"It's not arrogant to want Australia's money to be spent wisely," he said.
"It's almost laughable to suggest we're behaving like a bully.
For John Howard to laugh this off just shows how arrogant little people with power can be!
John Howard is the biggest bully this country has seen! He picks on people with illness and dissability, picks on people that are unfortunate enough not to be employed, destroys the hospital and dental services so people that are poor have no way of getting better and working again, destroys unions so he can enforce his power without opposition, sides with the U.S. in attacking countries for oil, and now he is picking on weeker countries.
Won't be long before this little arrogant man starts a world war.
From correspondents in Nadi
October 24, 2006 09:02am
Article from: AAP
PRIME Minister John Howard today laughed off accusations by other Pacific leaders that Australia was being an arrogant bully .
Mr Howard said comments made ahead of today's Pacific Island Forum retreat in Fiji over Australia's behaviour in regard to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea had been over the top.
"It's not arrogant to want Australia's money to be spent wisely," he said.
"It's almost laughable to suggest we're behaving like a bully.
For John Howard to laugh this off just shows how arrogant little people with power can be!
John Howard is the biggest bully this country has seen! He picks on people with illness and dissability, picks on people that are unfortunate enough not to be employed, destroys the hospital and dental services so people that are poor have no way of getting better and working again, destroys unions so he can enforce his power without opposition, sides with the U.S. in attacking countries for oil, and now he is picking on weeker countries.
Won't be long before this little arrogant man starts a world war.
Welfare recipients 'turning down jobs'
Welfare recipients 'turning down jobs'
October 24, 2006 09:17am
Article from: AAP
EMPLOYERS are crying out for workers in areas still running high unemployment rates, leading to the conclusion that some on the dole are turning down job offers, Human Services Minister Joe Hockey said today.
Mr Hockey said you didn't need rocket science to work this out.
"If you have an unemployment rate of less than five per cent and you still have a vast number of employers saying it is difficult to get workers, there is only one conclusion you can come to," he said on ABC radio.
"That is that some people who are receiving Newstart, who are receiving welfare, are turning down jobs.
Mr Hockey said towns such as Kalgoorlie, Tamworth, Wagga Wagga, Gladstone and Cairns were still running an unemployment rate.
"Yet all the employers are saying we will pay unskilled labour, we will pay them a fantastic salary if they will simply come to work. Over 65 per cent of all advertised jobs are for unskilled workers," he said.
Here we go a Human Services Minister wanting to win votes at the expense of the poorest in our society!
Is this guy an idiot? Man who in their right mind would believe you can survive on the dole???? This guy needs to be locked away as insane!!!! And those that aren't in their right mind should get the pension instead, oh that's right these ministers picked on those with illness or dissability first didn't he!!! Typical bully picks on the weekest in our society!!! What a weak person this minister is.
Hey Mr Hockey get me a job then!!! Oh that's right he doesn't focuss on discrimination just blames those that are discriminated against!
This guy is a dangerous person pushing many to suicide with these sort of comments.
October 24, 2006 09:17am
Article from: AAP
EMPLOYERS are crying out for workers in areas still running high unemployment rates, leading to the conclusion that some on the dole are turning down job offers, Human Services Minister Joe Hockey said today.
Mr Hockey said you didn't need rocket science to work this out.
"If you have an unemployment rate of less than five per cent and you still have a vast number of employers saying it is difficult to get workers, there is only one conclusion you can come to," he said on ABC radio.
"That is that some people who are receiving Newstart, who are receiving welfare, are turning down jobs.
Mr Hockey said towns such as Kalgoorlie, Tamworth, Wagga Wagga, Gladstone and Cairns were still running an unemployment rate.
"Yet all the employers are saying we will pay unskilled labour, we will pay them a fantastic salary if they will simply come to work. Over 65 per cent of all advertised jobs are for unskilled workers," he said.
Here we go a Human Services Minister wanting to win votes at the expense of the poorest in our society!
Is this guy an idiot? Man who in their right mind would believe you can survive on the dole???? This guy needs to be locked away as insane!!!! And those that aren't in their right mind should get the pension instead, oh that's right these ministers picked on those with illness or dissability first didn't he!!! Typical bully picks on the weekest in our society!!! What a weak person this minister is.
Hey Mr Hockey get me a job then!!! Oh that's right he doesn't focuss on discrimination just blames those that are discriminated against!
This guy is a dangerous person pushing many to suicide with these sort of comments.
Queensland Transport Minister Paul Lucas in the biggest cover up!
Again Road Safety has been taken over by polititians covering up their blatant negligence in road design.
A CAR accident that killed four teenagers in northern NSW shows the need for new driving laws in Queensland, the State Government says.
Four teenage boys, three aged 16 and one 17, were killed and the 17-year-old driver injured when the car they were travelling in veered off a road at Broken Head, near Byron Bay, and hit trees about 12.30am on Sunday.
Queensland Transport Minister Paul Lucas said new laws restricting young drivers to only one passenger aged under 21 between 11pm and 5am would stop similar accidents.
Now this is the biggest load of crap I have ever read on road safety!!!!!!!!!!!
This area was designated as a black spot area, in fact it was that high a risk area that signage was put up identifying it as a black spot area!
Now for a minister to focuss on behaviour when it is blatantly obvious that the design of the road increased probability of a fatal accident is a blatant cover up!
They cannot plead ignorance as they are totally aware this is a black spot area and have signed it as such so the governments are guilty of manslaughter in my book, if not murder to save money and not redesign and rebuild the road.
And for him to claim that this accident wouldn't have happened with new behavioural laws in place is a load of crap! What about all the deaths in the area that were not "P" plate drivers????? Are they going to make laws against everyone that uses the section of road????
Well given the total unprofessional approach of the Safety Institute of Australia in allowing unqualified people to be called a profession I would believe so! They will not save any lives with this sort of approach as can be seen in our workplaces and on our roads, they are actually increasing deaths by focussing blame on the drivers and ignoring the inherant risks in road design.
The only laws that need to be changed that would make a difference is a law that holds the minister for roads accountable for the design of the road.
I would make a law that states where a road is identified as a black spot area and nothing is done to redesign that road to remove the energy release points then the minister should face at least five years in Jail for failing in his/her obligation to control risks! And remember that roadway when used by truck drivers, couriers, taxi's, sales reps and the like is a workplace!
So the minister should already be charged with failing to comply with occupational health and safety legislation that states that risks need to be controlled!!!!!!!
Further every safety legislation in Australia asks for compliance with the hierachy of control and as such focussing on behavioural modification (administrative controls) should not be the first approach.
But as I said these ministers are covering their backsides!!!!!! And in doing so killing people every minute of everyday!
I also believe those in safety advising this minister should also be disbarred from being called a safety profession in anyway as they have no idea of the hierachy of controls! Until the focuss shifts to removing risks using substitution and engineering controls people will keep dying. And until ministers responsible for road design start facing prosecutions for failing to adequately control risks in a manor representing the hierachy people will keep dying.
Yep make a new law that a minister who is responsible for road design, who fails to act on redesigning a road that is identified as a black spot, goes to jail for manslaughter.
Now that law would make changes happen and reduce the road toll.
A CAR accident that killed four teenagers in northern NSW shows the need for new driving laws in Queensland, the State Government says.
Four teenage boys, three aged 16 and one 17, were killed and the 17-year-old driver injured when the car they were travelling in veered off a road at Broken Head, near Byron Bay, and hit trees about 12.30am on Sunday.
Queensland Transport Minister Paul Lucas said new laws restricting young drivers to only one passenger aged under 21 between 11pm and 5am would stop similar accidents.
Now this is the biggest load of crap I have ever read on road safety!!!!!!!!!!!
This area was designated as a black spot area, in fact it was that high a risk area that signage was put up identifying it as a black spot area!
Now for a minister to focuss on behaviour when it is blatantly obvious that the design of the road increased probability of a fatal accident is a blatant cover up!
They cannot plead ignorance as they are totally aware this is a black spot area and have signed it as such so the governments are guilty of manslaughter in my book, if not murder to save money and not redesign and rebuild the road.
And for him to claim that this accident wouldn't have happened with new behavioural laws in place is a load of crap! What about all the deaths in the area that were not "P" plate drivers????? Are they going to make laws against everyone that uses the section of road????
Well given the total unprofessional approach of the Safety Institute of Australia in allowing unqualified people to be called a profession I would believe so! They will not save any lives with this sort of approach as can be seen in our workplaces and on our roads, they are actually increasing deaths by focussing blame on the drivers and ignoring the inherant risks in road design.
The only laws that need to be changed that would make a difference is a law that holds the minister for roads accountable for the design of the road.
I would make a law that states where a road is identified as a black spot area and nothing is done to redesign that road to remove the energy release points then the minister should face at least five years in Jail for failing in his/her obligation to control risks! And remember that roadway when used by truck drivers, couriers, taxi's, sales reps and the like is a workplace!
So the minister should already be charged with failing to comply with occupational health and safety legislation that states that risks need to be controlled!!!!!!!
Further every safety legislation in Australia asks for compliance with the hierachy of control and as such focussing on behavioural modification (administrative controls) should not be the first approach.
But as I said these ministers are covering their backsides!!!!!! And in doing so killing people every minute of everyday!
I also believe those in safety advising this minister should also be disbarred from being called a safety profession in anyway as they have no idea of the hierachy of controls! Until the focuss shifts to removing risks using substitution and engineering controls people will keep dying. And until ministers responsible for road design start facing prosecutions for failing to adequately control risks in a manor representing the hierachy people will keep dying.
Yep make a new law that a minister who is responsible for road design, who fails to act on redesigning a road that is identified as a black spot, goes to jail for manslaughter.
Now that law would make changes happen and reduce the road toll.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Safety Institute of Australia Fails all dedicated safety professionals.
Interesting that to become a Fellow in the medical profession it takes at least 8 years of hard study and qualifications before you can become a Fellow of the profession!
Now a surgeon will only have one life in his/her hands at any one time, yet a person in the safety field can have an entire workplaces health and safety, or lives in their hands but becuase of the corruption in the safety industry, you don't need a qualification!
To the point that those of us that are dedicated enough and love the field of safety so much to get themselves qualified are banned by the unqualified rabble running safety in this country.
It's a sad state of affairs in this country with the corruption in safety allowing unqualified people to become fellows and chartered fellows.
Someone needs to do something about this so safety is recognised as a profession, this won't be the safety institute as there are too many unqualified people in the organisation protecting themselves at the expense of safety as a profession.
Sad Sad Sad
Now a surgeon will only have one life in his/her hands at any one time, yet a person in the safety field can have an entire workplaces health and safety, or lives in their hands but becuase of the corruption in the safety industry, you don't need a qualification!
To the point that those of us that are dedicated enough and love the field of safety so much to get themselves qualified are banned by the unqualified rabble running safety in this country.
It's a sad state of affairs in this country with the corruption in safety allowing unqualified people to become fellows and chartered fellows.
Someone needs to do something about this so safety is recognised as a profession, this won't be the safety institute as there are too many unqualified people in the organisation protecting themselves at the expense of safety as a profession.
Sad Sad Sad
North Korea - Australia leaves it's poor homeless, without food or dental services and no chance of an education.
Well the hypocritical Australian Government claims North Korea has too many poor people!
At least they don't hide it like Australia and the U.S. and kill off people just becuase they are poor.
But here in Australia apart from not being able to get an education, which would provide hope of employment for the poor, the poor can't even get dental treatment either.
But worse is the fact that there is no where for them to live. The councils don't allow you to pitch a tent or sleep in your car in many places so if you are without a house you are a criminal in this country!
And it's that bad that in S.E. queensland the support services are providing tents to single parents becuase there is no housing available for rent!
And even if there was rental property available there is no way the poor can afford to rent them as the rents are higher than the pathetic income support given to the poor. The average rental price around south east QLD for a 3 bedroom home would be $280 - $300 per week, yet those on a pension or income support or even a low wage would not even get that much a week!!!! Sure there is some rental support but it's maxed out a $60 a week, still leaving those on a pension about $100 short of being able to pay rent!
There are people with kids living in tents at showgrounds all over QLD and it won't be long before we have babies dying from exposure to the heat and weather!!!!
And then they wouldn't be able to pay the ever increasing electricity bills, water rates and the GST on all these things!
But then Australians are quite happy with this situation, they carry on about other countries crying foul about the poor in those countries and would rather the poor are left without any resources to complain in this country and they just want them to die and go away!
Classic hypocrits the Australian Government and yet with all the homelessness and poor in this country the Government keeps an $11 Billion surplus! Highlighting John Howard kills off the poor so his government can make a huge profit!
Since when do governments collect taxes to make profits?????
Criminals, murderers the lot of the polititians in Australia.
North Korea must develop nuclear weapons to stop these murdering, corrupt, polititians from Australia and U.S. invading.
Governments urged to address housing shortage
A housing shortage in north-west Queensland has prompted calls for state and federal governments to take action.
The Mt Isa Community Development Association says its waiting list currently includes about 300 people - most of them on low incomes.
Manager Alison Bohannan says there is simply nothing available and rents have jumped by as much as $60 a week over the past two years.
"I'd like to see a couple of boarding houses happen here in Mt Isa," he said.
"I'd like to see some more community housing being made available because that's excellent transitional housing for people who come here looking for work - [they] are initially on low incomes, they can ... get some savings together and then move on into the private market. That's the ideal."
At least they don't hide it like Australia and the U.S. and kill off people just becuase they are poor.
But here in Australia apart from not being able to get an education, which would provide hope of employment for the poor, the poor can't even get dental treatment either.
But worse is the fact that there is no where for them to live. The councils don't allow you to pitch a tent or sleep in your car in many places so if you are without a house you are a criminal in this country!
And it's that bad that in S.E. queensland the support services are providing tents to single parents becuase there is no housing available for rent!
And even if there was rental property available there is no way the poor can afford to rent them as the rents are higher than the pathetic income support given to the poor. The average rental price around south east QLD for a 3 bedroom home would be $280 - $300 per week, yet those on a pension or income support or even a low wage would not even get that much a week!!!! Sure there is some rental support but it's maxed out a $60 a week, still leaving those on a pension about $100 short of being able to pay rent!
There are people with kids living in tents at showgrounds all over QLD and it won't be long before we have babies dying from exposure to the heat and weather!!!!
And then they wouldn't be able to pay the ever increasing electricity bills, water rates and the GST on all these things!
But then Australians are quite happy with this situation, they carry on about other countries crying foul about the poor in those countries and would rather the poor are left without any resources to complain in this country and they just want them to die and go away!
Classic hypocrits the Australian Government and yet with all the homelessness and poor in this country the Government keeps an $11 Billion surplus! Highlighting John Howard kills off the poor so his government can make a huge profit!
Since when do governments collect taxes to make profits?????
Criminals, murderers the lot of the polititians in Australia.
North Korea must develop nuclear weapons to stop these murdering, corrupt, polititians from Australia and U.S. invading.
Governments urged to address housing shortage
A housing shortage in north-west Queensland has prompted calls for state and federal governments to take action.
The Mt Isa Community Development Association says its waiting list currently includes about 300 people - most of them on low incomes.
Manager Alison Bohannan says there is simply nothing available and rents have jumped by as much as $60 a week over the past two years.
"I'd like to see a couple of boarding houses happen here in Mt Isa," he said.
"I'd like to see some more community housing being made available because that's excellent transitional housing for people who come here looking for work - [they] are initially on low incomes, they can ... get some savings together and then move on into the private market. That's the ideal."
Australia the country where the rich get richer and they kill off the poor.
If you don't eat, you don't poo and if you don't poo you die!
But in Australia while the rich keep getting richer the poor are unable to eat which suits the rich as the poor will be killed off!
Half a million 'wait for dental care'
By Kate Corbett
October 23, 2006 12:47am
Article from: AAP
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HALF a million low-income earners in Australia are waiting for public dental care and the waiting list will keep growing if the Federal Government does not step in, according to a new report.
The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) report investigated the state of dental care in Australia and found it was full of problems.
It found 40 per cent of Australians cannot access dental care when they needed it, the average waiting time for public dental services was 27 months and about 500,000 people were on that waiting list.
By 2010, the report says, there will be a shortage of 1500 dental staff, which is equivalent to 3.8 million dental visits
But in Australia while the rich keep getting richer the poor are unable to eat which suits the rich as the poor will be killed off!
Half a million 'wait for dental care'
By Kate Corbett
October 23, 2006 12:47am
Article from: AAP
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HALF a million low-income earners in Australia are waiting for public dental care and the waiting list will keep growing if the Federal Government does not step in, according to a new report.
The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) report investigated the state of dental care in Australia and found it was full of problems.
It found 40 per cent of Australians cannot access dental care when they needed it, the average waiting time for public dental services was 27 months and about 500,000 people were on that waiting list.
By 2010, the report says, there will be a shortage of 1500 dental staff, which is equivalent to 3.8 million dental visits
Road Safety - Police Investigations Floored
Again we see the police going into road accident investigations with preconcieved outcomes, which makes for a floored investigation with conflicts of interest. With the death of 4 teenagers in NSW and before any investigations are completed the police come out with a statement "NSW Police said no other vehicles were involved and they were investigating whether excess speed or alcohol contributed to the accident."
So how are we suppose to identify the risks and identify control measures when they focuss on behaviour and blamming someone driving?
We can't and this is the direct reflection of the Safety Institute of Australia and it's allowing of members, fellows and chartered fellows not needing to be tertiary qualified!
Yep these people by not having the committement to safety and proving their competence with qualifications are bringing the whole safety field down and we cannot be professionals with these clowns running safety.
And for police to comment on investigations before outcomes of that investigation are published are just adding to the absolute failure in safety in this country.
There needs to be a public and political outcry about unqualified safety personnel being in safety in the first place and they should in no way be making comment on human behaviour over risk control.
The magistrates and judges in this country need to be educated about safety and the lack of qualified people in this corrupt field, especially the Safety Institute of Australia and it's corrupt practices of allowing unqualified people in and banning those with commitment and experience to get qualified.
But then that's how the old mans club works, have family members in power together in the Safety Institute of Australia so then they can ban any opposition.
But it's all at the expense of 5,000 workers lives a year and almost 2,000 road accident deaths a year, but then they are making money and in this country it doesn't matter if you kill someone (in this case 7,000 people a year) as long as you make money out of it.
I believe that any member of the Safety Institute of Australia that is found not to have identified a risk that kills and not recommended controls that don't involve behvavioural modification should face at least 5 years jail!!!! That would clean out all these slack people that claim they are safety professionals without qualifications and then we could be finally classed as a profession.
So how are we suppose to identify the risks and identify control measures when they focuss on behaviour and blamming someone driving?
We can't and this is the direct reflection of the Safety Institute of Australia and it's allowing of members, fellows and chartered fellows not needing to be tertiary qualified!
Yep these people by not having the committement to safety and proving their competence with qualifications are bringing the whole safety field down and we cannot be professionals with these clowns running safety.
And for police to comment on investigations before outcomes of that investigation are published are just adding to the absolute failure in safety in this country.
There needs to be a public and political outcry about unqualified safety personnel being in safety in the first place and they should in no way be making comment on human behaviour over risk control.
The magistrates and judges in this country need to be educated about safety and the lack of qualified people in this corrupt field, especially the Safety Institute of Australia and it's corrupt practices of allowing unqualified people in and banning those with commitment and experience to get qualified.
But then that's how the old mans club works, have family members in power together in the Safety Institute of Australia so then they can ban any opposition.
But it's all at the expense of 5,000 workers lives a year and almost 2,000 road accident deaths a year, but then they are making money and in this country it doesn't matter if you kill someone (in this case 7,000 people a year) as long as you make money out of it.
I believe that any member of the Safety Institute of Australia that is found not to have identified a risk that kills and not recommended controls that don't involve behvavioural modification should face at least 5 years jail!!!! That would clean out all these slack people that claim they are safety professionals without qualifications and then we could be finally classed as a profession.
More evidence that Pharmacutical companies kill for profits, as if banning Pot wasn't enough
Four Israelis die after flu shot
From correspondents in Jerusalem
October 23, 2006 07:53am
Article from: Reuters
ISRAEL suspended flu vaccinations nationwide today after four men who had been inoculated died in the past week.
"I ordered to stop the vaccinations until things are made clear," Israeli Health Minister Yaacov Edri told reporters.
Oh and of course they are looking to blame the people who have had the shots, looking at the illnesses like diabetes and heart conditions. Guess what thats why they were encouraged to take the flu shot becuase of the illnesses they have!
But I guess they are making a profit out of it so it doesn't matter to anyone taking bribes and kickbacks in politics as they will still get their kickbacks and it's only a few lives.
From correspondents in Jerusalem
October 23, 2006 07:53am
Article from: Reuters
ISRAEL suspended flu vaccinations nationwide today after four men who had been inoculated died in the past week.
"I ordered to stop the vaccinations until things are made clear," Israeli Health Minister Yaacov Edri told reporters.
Oh and of course they are looking to blame the people who have had the shots, looking at the illnesses like diabetes and heart conditions. Guess what thats why they were encouraged to take the flu shot becuase of the illnesses they have!
But I guess they are making a profit out of it so it doesn't matter to anyone taking bribes and kickbacks in politics as they will still get their kickbacks and it's only a few lives.
Madonna shows the arrogance of the U.S.
It so disgusts me that Madonna has gone and kidnapped a baby from the country of Malawian.
All it takes is U.S. dollars and you can bribe your way around any law. Yep no law for the rich and many for the rest of us.
This is criminal, this child had a father and she has stolen his child.
In latest reports it also shows that they provided the documentation to the father in english, yet the father couldn't read english and didn't know what he was signing.
This is a sick world with the Americans arrogance over everyone else and every law.
It's true I don't know peoples hearts but it seems pretty clear that Madonna claims she is a Christian to make money, for no other reason! And to steal children from their parents is not what I would call a Christian act. I can't see how someone can be saved if they lie about their relationship with Jesus. But as I said I don't know her heart.
All it takes is U.S. dollars and you can bribe your way around any law. Yep no law for the rich and many for the rest of us.
This is criminal, this child had a father and she has stolen his child.
In latest reports it also shows that they provided the documentation to the father in english, yet the father couldn't read english and didn't know what he was signing.
This is a sick world with the Americans arrogance over everyone else and every law.
It's true I don't know peoples hearts but it seems pretty clear that Madonna claims she is a Christian to make money, for no other reason! And to steal children from their parents is not what I would call a Christian act. I can't see how someone can be saved if they lie about their relationship with Jesus. But as I said I don't know her heart.
What North Korea can expect after the U.S. takes over
Well North Korea can expect the U.S. to ban anything that is not American if they allow the U.S. to set their policy.
And to highlight just how ridiculous the U.S. are they have banned Vegemite! They are even searching people entering the country to ensure no vegemite is smuggled in!
And it's all becuase Vegemite has folic acid in it!
So now you can add to the protection of the pharmacutical companies with the criminalisation of marijuana and it's pain control properties, with the protection of the U.S. sandwich spread industry with the banning of vegemite.
Seems anything that is not able to make a profit for the U.S. is banned by them and they claim it's becuase of safety concerns, however we are not the idiots the U.S. makes us out to be (excluding the SIA) and we know the real reasons!
And they don't care that marijuana provides benefits over morphine, methotrexate, valium and all the other hard drugs the U.S. pushes on people for profits! Someone should arrest the U.S. for exporting Morphine and banning a relatively safe drug in marijuana.
And they don't care that folic acid provides enormous benefits to pregnant mums, those that have just delivered and their children becuase they are more interested in profits over good health and life.
There's no accounting for taste
October 21, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Sunday Times
THE US has banned Vegemite, even to the point of searching Australians for jars of the spread when they enter the country.
And to highlight just how ridiculous the U.S. are they have banned Vegemite! They are even searching people entering the country to ensure no vegemite is smuggled in!
And it's all becuase Vegemite has folic acid in it!
So now you can add to the protection of the pharmacutical companies with the criminalisation of marijuana and it's pain control properties, with the protection of the U.S. sandwich spread industry with the banning of vegemite.
Seems anything that is not able to make a profit for the U.S. is banned by them and they claim it's becuase of safety concerns, however we are not the idiots the U.S. makes us out to be (excluding the SIA) and we know the real reasons!
And they don't care that marijuana provides benefits over morphine, methotrexate, valium and all the other hard drugs the U.S. pushes on people for profits! Someone should arrest the U.S. for exporting Morphine and banning a relatively safe drug in marijuana.
And they don't care that folic acid provides enormous benefits to pregnant mums, those that have just delivered and their children becuase they are more interested in profits over good health and life.
There's no accounting for taste
October 21, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Sunday Times
THE US has banned Vegemite, even to the point of searching Australians for jars of the spread when they enter the country.
Friday, October 20, 2006
New National Standard for Licensing Persons Performing High Risk Work
National Standard for Licensing Persons Performing High Risk Work (the Licensing Standard) replaces the National Occupational Health and Safety Certification Standard for Users and Operators of Industrial Equipment [NOHSC:1006 (2001)].
Is being implemented in 2007. Now this is supposeably going to be a nationally recognised license!
Yeah sure the Certificate of Competency system was to be a nationally recognised system!
This is just another blatant grab for cash by the government bodies introducing a new licensing system where you old licence (Certificate of Competency) is not recognised and you have to pay a new fee.
Blatant money grabbing.
Is being implemented in 2007. Now this is supposeably going to be a nationally recognised license!
Yeah sure the Certificate of Competency system was to be a nationally recognised system!
This is just another blatant grab for cash by the government bodies introducing a new licensing system where you old licence (Certificate of Competency) is not recognised and you have to pay a new fee.
Blatant money grabbing.
Playground Equipment Kills
Now I've only seen glimpses of the play equipment the girl fell from and it certainly presented significant risks to very young children.
There has not in anyway been enough attention payed by councils in the design of playground equipment and in this particular case there were a number of area's on this equipment that presented a good likelihood of a fall.
And a fall from that hieght with any todler presents a risk of signficant injury and even death for the following reasons.
- The rubber matting or material at the base does little to absorb impacts from heights just reduces the scrapes and bruises from
- There were open ends to the raised deck the child was climbing on. This not only made it likely that a fall could occur but also made it hard for parents to stand closely to a toddler near the edge of and part of the equipment becuase there were so many. And even if she was climbing the ladder the parent would have to focuss ahead in case the child took off to an open part of the raised equipment.
- the ladder that was used made it quite easy for a slip tripping the person falling upside down and landing on their head.
This article in the Bangkok Post is very informative to western society, I particularily like the focuss on assessing the age groups that will be using the park.
Are we ready for war?
There is no way that if one road closure can do this that we are in anyway ready for war! And the North of Australia is the most vulnearable to any attack.
But then again this city in particular could not handle a natural disaster such as any earthquake, cyclone, industrial explosion that took out a section of a major arterial.
Questions certainly need to be asked about why one little section of road brought an entire city to a standstill and continues to do so?
And when those questions find reasons, better disaster planning needs to be undertaken and implemented that in particular allows at the very least, emergency services alternative routes.
Glimmer of hope?
Rosanne Barrett and AAP
October 20, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
BRISBANE'S Riverside Expressway could reopen this evening - but not until after peak hour - following a much-anticipated engineers' report into the discovery of a hairline fracture on the Ann Street on-ramp.
Transport Minister Paul Lucas said the government hoped to reopen the expressway to north-south traffic but the Ann Street and Alice Street on-ramps would remain closed for some time.
Touring the expressway with Premier Peter Beattie this morning, Mr Lucas said the Department of Main Roads would conduct stress tests on the Ann Street ramp today to determine the likelihood of a collapse.
Shark Attack in Australia
Seems to me that Queenslanders are wimps when it comes to sharks. While it is a good idea not to go near shark nets and drum lines, I do not believe in anyway that sharks pose a great risk.
When we compare shark attacks to say dying on the toilet the toilet wins hands down as there are only a few deaths from shark attack each year it is so strange the fear it generates!
I we compare the workplace deaths and just took those that were gruesome like shark attacks, eg caught in a PTO shaft, dragged into a tree mulcher, run over by a slasher, head caught in a post driver you'll see that a shark might let you off lightly and only take a leg or arm.
But the workplace won't! The South Australians must laugh at the fear up here as when you surf down there, there are no nets and great big White pointers.
Biggest sharks caught off Coast
SUNSHINE Coast surfers and swimmers have been warned they are dicing with death by going close to drum lines that have caught four-metre sharks this year.
The state government yesterday issued the warning, saying there were "disturbing reports" from fisheries officers of people getting too close to nets or drumlines.
"It seems inconceivable that some people would be deliberately in the water near shark safety gear - shark control equipment is designed to capture large and dangerous shark species," Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin said.
"Swimming, windsurfing, or board paddling near the gear not only shows a complete absence of common sense but is extremely dangerous.
Two of the biggest sharks caught off the Queensland coast in the past year have been either netted or taken on baited drum lines off Coast beaches.
A 4.2-metre tiger shark was caught at Currimundi by Fisheries Department shark catchers while a four metre hammerhead was taken at Wurtulla. More than 550 sharks have been caught in Queensland in a year.
The Coast sharks were among eight potential man-eaters caught state-wide which measured 4m or better, with the biggest a 4.5m tiger snared off Bundaberg’s Kellys Beach.
"In addition to increasing the risk of shark attack, people are also putting themselves at risk of being tangled or hooked on the gear which could cause serious injury or drowning," the Minister said.
Former Noosa head lifeguard and Channel 10 coast reporter Scott Braby said he is not surprised by the swimmer warning, or by reports of large sharks being taken.
Mr Braby, who still coaches young lifesavers, said he had witnessed swimmers going near sharks nets which sometimes can be only 400m from shore at Noosa.
He said other water craft users also have gone close to the nets and he was guilty years ago of paddling out to see what was in them.
"These days I tell all my kids I coach not to go out there for their safety," Mr Braby said.
He said sharks were particularly attracted to baited drum lines and some of the shark catchers he had talked with had told him that some large shark hooks had been straightened.
Of the 553 sharks caught off beaches by the program last financial year, 135 were caught on the Sunshine Coast which is defined as from Bribie Island to Rainbow Beach. Rainbow Beach was definitely shark alley with 48 taken there.
Of all the Coast shark catches 68 were more than two metres in length.
"Any size shark can cause serious injury or death if they attack, however sharks more than 2m in length are particularly dangerous," Mr Mulherin said.
"People should also be aware that the bigger and more aggressive sharks, particularly tiger sharks, follow whales migrating south at this time of year.
"This brings these species closer to shore."
When we compare shark attacks to say dying on the toilet the toilet wins hands down as there are only a few deaths from shark attack each year it is so strange the fear it generates!
I we compare the workplace deaths and just took those that were gruesome like shark attacks, eg caught in a PTO shaft, dragged into a tree mulcher, run over by a slasher, head caught in a post driver you'll see that a shark might let you off lightly and only take a leg or arm.
But the workplace won't! The South Australians must laugh at the fear up here as when you surf down there, there are no nets and great big White pointers.
Biggest sharks caught off Coast
SUNSHINE Coast surfers and swimmers have been warned they are dicing with death by going close to drum lines that have caught four-metre sharks this year.
The state government yesterday issued the warning, saying there were "disturbing reports" from fisheries officers of people getting too close to nets or drumlines.
"It seems inconceivable that some people would be deliberately in the water near shark safety gear - shark control equipment is designed to capture large and dangerous shark species," Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin said.
"Swimming, windsurfing, or board paddling near the gear not only shows a complete absence of common sense but is extremely dangerous.
Two of the biggest sharks caught off the Queensland coast in the past year have been either netted or taken on baited drum lines off Coast beaches.
A 4.2-metre tiger shark was caught at Currimundi by Fisheries Department shark catchers while a four metre hammerhead was taken at Wurtulla. More than 550 sharks have been caught in Queensland in a year.
The Coast sharks were among eight potential man-eaters caught state-wide which measured 4m or better, with the biggest a 4.5m tiger snared off Bundaberg’s Kellys Beach.
"In addition to increasing the risk of shark attack, people are also putting themselves at risk of being tangled or hooked on the gear which could cause serious injury or drowning," the Minister said.
Former Noosa head lifeguard and Channel 10 coast reporter Scott Braby said he is not surprised by the swimmer warning, or by reports of large sharks being taken.
Mr Braby, who still coaches young lifesavers, said he had witnessed swimmers going near sharks nets which sometimes can be only 400m from shore at Noosa.
He said other water craft users also have gone close to the nets and he was guilty years ago of paddling out to see what was in them.
"These days I tell all my kids I coach not to go out there for their safety," Mr Braby said.
He said sharks were particularly attracted to baited drum lines and some of the shark catchers he had talked with had told him that some large shark hooks had been straightened.
Of the 553 sharks caught off beaches by the program last financial year, 135 were caught on the Sunshine Coast which is defined as from Bribie Island to Rainbow Beach. Rainbow Beach was definitely shark alley with 48 taken there.
Of all the Coast shark catches 68 were more than two metres in length.
"Any size shark can cause serious injury or death if they attack, however sharks more than 2m in length are particularly dangerous," Mr Mulherin said.
"People should also be aware that the bigger and more aggressive sharks, particularly tiger sharks, follow whales migrating south at this time of year.
"This brings these species closer to shore."
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
How much money did they pay the polititians to rush these laws through??????
John Howard and his mates must have recieved a large bonus for pushing through the new media laws that will also have the added benefit of allowing media moguls to control the polititians who are in power! By focussing their support behind someone now they have the power to control that support accross the nation and input whoever the media want as prime minister or premier!
What a corrupt country we live in, freedom of the press will be dead and news will be based on the perception or needs of the media moguls.
And they get paid so much these polititians by the media that they push it through parliament without adequate debate.
Sad Sad Sad, we should be investigating all liberal party donations over the next 12 months to 2 years becuase we will then know if it was $millions or $billions the media moguls paid mister howard and his party to get these laws rushed through. But then that won't happen becuase there will not be enough diversity in the media to go out and challenge the polititians.
Media laws to be rushed through
October 18, 2006 09:51am
Article from: AAP
NEW media laws will be rushed through federal Parliament today after the Government moved to gag debate in the House of Representatives.
The laws lift 20-year-old limits on how many television stations, radio stations and newspapers can be owned by a single media proprietor in a market.
Once the laws are passed, companies will be able to own any media assets provided there are at least five operators in mainland capitals and four in rural centres.
The Bills last week passed the Senate after the Government agreed to changes at the urging of Nationals MPs concerned they would limit diversity in rural areas.
Chief among the concessions is a ban on one company owning more than two formats - newspapers, television or radio - in any market.
The Government plans to force the Bills through the lower house, where it has a clear majority, before question time at 2pm (AEST) today.
The Government's leader in the House of Representatives, Tony Abbott, said he had asked the Opposition to wrap up its arguments before 2pm.
"The Government did suggest to the opposition that all speakers on the speaking list could be heard before Question Time," Mr Abbott told Parliament.
"The Opposition, for all sorts of reasons, didn't want to ensure the debate was finished by question time, so ... for that reason I am moving this way," he said.
What a corrupt country we live in, freedom of the press will be dead and news will be based on the perception or needs of the media moguls.
And they get paid so much these polititians by the media that they push it through parliament without adequate debate.
Sad Sad Sad, we should be investigating all liberal party donations over the next 12 months to 2 years becuase we will then know if it was $millions or $billions the media moguls paid mister howard and his party to get these laws rushed through. But then that won't happen becuase there will not be enough diversity in the media to go out and challenge the polititians.
Media laws to be rushed through
October 18, 2006 09:51am
Article from: AAP
NEW media laws will be rushed through federal Parliament today after the Government moved to gag debate in the House of Representatives.
The laws lift 20-year-old limits on how many television stations, radio stations and newspapers can be owned by a single media proprietor in a market.
Once the laws are passed, companies will be able to own any media assets provided there are at least five operators in mainland capitals and four in rural centres.
The Bills last week passed the Senate after the Government agreed to changes at the urging of Nationals MPs concerned they would limit diversity in rural areas.
Chief among the concessions is a ban on one company owning more than two formats - newspapers, television or radio - in any market.
The Government plans to force the Bills through the lower house, where it has a clear majority, before question time at 2pm (AEST) today.
The Government's leader in the House of Representatives, Tony Abbott, said he had asked the Opposition to wrap up its arguments before 2pm.
"The Government did suggest to the opposition that all speakers on the speaking list could be heard before Question Time," Mr Abbott told Parliament.
"The Opposition, for all sorts of reasons, didn't want to ensure the debate was finished by question time, so ... for that reason I am moving this way," he said.
Howards IR laws hitting families.
Wow becuase of John Howard Australian cleaners are required to work twice as hard as their U.S. counterparts for far less money and worse conditions. The worst part of these contracts is that anyone complaining about toxic chemicals they may be using and the lack of education and PPE they will not be working again.
So shut up and die if you want to work, or don't work. Isn't it sad Australian cleaning companies exposing these people and then requiring them to provide their own PPE for chemicals they don't know of untill they start work.
John Howard needs to be charged with Industrial Murder for his IR laws and the way contracts are taking over the workplace! If not he should at least be charged and jailed for industrial manslaughter becuase it is he that is ultimately responsible for the comming deaths and illness from exposure to toxic cleaning products!
But then he doesn't care about people he only cares about increasing profits and killing and maiming people is ok to him if you make a profit.
Cleaners dirty on conditions
October 18, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
CLEANERS marched through Brisbane yesterday demanding fair wages and working conditions.
Garry Bullock from the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union said cleaners chose Anti-Poverty Day to hold the rally and raise awareness of the 12,000 cleaners in Queensland living below the poverty line.
Mr Bullock said cleaners' main concerns were the length of their shifts and the work rate expected.
"At the moment cleaners are working two or three short shifts a day which means more travel, more uniforms to wash and wasted time in between shifts," Mr Bullock said.
"Because of contracting, they're also forced to clean up to 1000sq m an hour, which is twice the work rate required in the US."
Premier Peter Beattie pledged support for the Clean Start Campaign at the ALP State Conference in June.
Mr Bullock said another trend emerging was the employment of overseas students.
So shut up and die if you want to work, or don't work. Isn't it sad Australian cleaning companies exposing these people and then requiring them to provide their own PPE for chemicals they don't know of untill they start work.
John Howard needs to be charged with Industrial Murder for his IR laws and the way contracts are taking over the workplace! If not he should at least be charged and jailed for industrial manslaughter becuase it is he that is ultimately responsible for the comming deaths and illness from exposure to toxic cleaning products!
But then he doesn't care about people he only cares about increasing profits and killing and maiming people is ok to him if you make a profit.
Cleaners dirty on conditions
October 18, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
CLEANERS marched through Brisbane yesterday demanding fair wages and working conditions.
Garry Bullock from the Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union said cleaners chose Anti-Poverty Day to hold the rally and raise awareness of the 12,000 cleaners in Queensland living below the poverty line.
Mr Bullock said cleaners' main concerns were the length of their shifts and the work rate expected.
"At the moment cleaners are working two or three short shifts a day which means more travel, more uniforms to wash and wasted time in between shifts," Mr Bullock said.
"Because of contracting, they're also forced to clean up to 1000sq m an hour, which is twice the work rate required in the US."
Premier Peter Beattie pledged support for the Clean Start Campaign at the ALP State Conference in June.
Mr Bullock said another trend emerging was the employment of overseas students.
How John Howard and Amanda Vanstone protect their mates at the expense of workers.
Worker scandal widens
Lachlan Heywood,Jason Gregory and Michael Corkill
October 18, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
ROGUE Queensland bosses may be exploiting hundreds of foreign workers brought in to plug the state's skills shortage.
Alleged maltreatment of 40 Philippines workers by a Brisbane welding company comes amid growing evidence the controversial 457 visa scheme is being abused.
The Immigration Department last night confirmed that 28 separate investigations were under way into alleged breaches by Queensland employers.
Despite the controversy, bosses are lining up to access the scheme.
In Queensland alone, 457 visas were used to bring in 6890 workers last financial year.
This included 530 workers from the Philippines, 1270 from the United Kingdom, 410 from China, 400 from India and 260 from Brazil.
Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone has ordered a departmental inquiry into the latest claims of exploitation.
Senator Vanstone said 182 employers were being investigated nationally, but said 98 per cent were "using it the right way"
In a blatant move to protect their locust mates in industry and big business the Federal Government deports foreign workers that whistleblow on scum bags ripping them off and in the big picture ripping Australian workers off as well.
Now if they were fair dinkum about protecting workers from this sort of exploitation they certainly wouldn't move to deport them! By deporting them they have shut the mouths of thousands of other foreign workers who will be to scared of being deported if they report employers ripping them off and ultimately the system off by underpaying them and providing scum bag conditions.
Sad day for Australian workers this demolishing of conditions and pay.
Lachlan Heywood,Jason Gregory and Michael Corkill
October 18, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
ROGUE Queensland bosses may be exploiting hundreds of foreign workers brought in to plug the state's skills shortage.
Alleged maltreatment of 40 Philippines workers by a Brisbane welding company comes amid growing evidence the controversial 457 visa scheme is being abused.
The Immigration Department last night confirmed that 28 separate investigations were under way into alleged breaches by Queensland employers.
Despite the controversy, bosses are lining up to access the scheme.
In Queensland alone, 457 visas were used to bring in 6890 workers last financial year.
This included 530 workers from the Philippines, 1270 from the United Kingdom, 410 from China, 400 from India and 260 from Brazil.
Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone has ordered a departmental inquiry into the latest claims of exploitation.
Senator Vanstone said 182 employers were being investigated nationally, but said 98 per cent were "using it the right way"
In a blatant move to protect their locust mates in industry and big business the Federal Government deports foreign workers that whistleblow on scum bags ripping them off and in the big picture ripping Australian workers off as well.
Now if they were fair dinkum about protecting workers from this sort of exploitation they certainly wouldn't move to deport them! By deporting them they have shut the mouths of thousands of other foreign workers who will be to scared of being deported if they report employers ripping them off and ultimately the system off by underpaying them and providing scum bag conditions.
Sad day for Australian workers this demolishing of conditions and pay.
Road Safety and Car Surfing
Safety campaigners' outcry at 'car surfing' craze
Publisher: Ian Morgan
Published: 16/10/2006 - 14:49:37 PM \\
Berrow beach near Burnham-on-Sea
Safety campaigners have today criticised youths taking part in a new stunt craze which involves "surfing" on the top of a moving car.
Footage has been posted on the internet of youngsters "car surfing" on a beach in Somerset.
The video shows two youths balancing on the roof of a moving white car without anyone driving the vehicle.
The video clip is believed to have been filmed at Berrow beach, near Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset.
The craze came to light when a Berrow resident contacted the authorities after finding the footage while using the internet search engine Google.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) today condemned the craze.
A spokeswoman said: "Car surfing is clearly dangerous and we have concerns that such behaviour can lead to injuries.
"Not only does it put those at risk who are climbing on top of a moving and uncontrolled car but also other members of the public who might be in the area at the time.''
The "car surfing" craze is thought to have originated in America.
Wow what a hard subject to cover, my personal beliefs would just leed me to believe these people are idiots.
And if I were to go along with the behavioural modification approach that the rest of road safety is following like sheep I would say increase the penalties.
But it's obvious in this day and age where the kids feel hopless and look for more and more outlandish (and dangerous) activities to take their minds from the hoplessness.
We see it with drugs, and the move from relatively harmless drugs such as marijuana to more potent and deadly drugs such as GBH.
So how can we do anything about car surfing?
Personally it's a pretty hard one to address if I don't focuss on behaviour!
But we could start by having vehicles that cannot move without someone in the driver seat! Ride on mowers and the like already have these limit switches in the seat so it wouldn't be too hard to design them into vehicles. But I would believe these kids would overide them anyway but it would stop the spur of the moment actions by the youth.
Second we could make available venues that the kids could undertake these activities in a controlled environment, this would be especially benificial to spectators and keep them safe at least. But also with a controlled environment we could also require them to wear safety equipment such as helmuts, body armour and guarding around the wheels of the car as well as skirting around the car to stop anyone that falls from getting dragged under the vehicle.
I don't think we will stop this insane craze but at least we could address some of the risks and reduce them significantly. Another option for car designers is to have sensors in the roof of the car which when detecting the weight of a person on top would stop the vehicle from operating.
But then if we follow the trend of the safety boffins and focuss on behaviour then we won't save any lives just make some polititians happy that blame is focussed on someone other than themselves.
Publisher: Ian Morgan
Published: 16/10/2006 - 14:49:37 PM \\
Berrow beach near Burnham-on-Sea
Safety campaigners have today criticised youths taking part in a new stunt craze which involves "surfing" on the top of a moving car.
Footage has been posted on the internet of youngsters "car surfing" on a beach in Somerset.
The video shows two youths balancing on the roof of a moving white car without anyone driving the vehicle.
The video clip is believed to have been filmed at Berrow beach, near Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset.
The craze came to light when a Berrow resident contacted the authorities after finding the footage while using the internet search engine Google.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) today condemned the craze.
A spokeswoman said: "Car surfing is clearly dangerous and we have concerns that such behaviour can lead to injuries.
"Not only does it put those at risk who are climbing on top of a moving and uncontrolled car but also other members of the public who might be in the area at the time.''
The "car surfing" craze is thought to have originated in America.
Wow what a hard subject to cover, my personal beliefs would just leed me to believe these people are idiots.
And if I were to go along with the behavioural modification approach that the rest of road safety is following like sheep I would say increase the penalties.
But it's obvious in this day and age where the kids feel hopless and look for more and more outlandish (and dangerous) activities to take their minds from the hoplessness.
We see it with drugs, and the move from relatively harmless drugs such as marijuana to more potent and deadly drugs such as GBH.
So how can we do anything about car surfing?
Personally it's a pretty hard one to address if I don't focuss on behaviour!
But we could start by having vehicles that cannot move without someone in the driver seat! Ride on mowers and the like already have these limit switches in the seat so it wouldn't be too hard to design them into vehicles. But I would believe these kids would overide them anyway but it would stop the spur of the moment actions by the youth.
Second we could make available venues that the kids could undertake these activities in a controlled environment, this would be especially benificial to spectators and keep them safe at least. But also with a controlled environment we could also require them to wear safety equipment such as helmuts, body armour and guarding around the wheels of the car as well as skirting around the car to stop anyone that falls from getting dragged under the vehicle.
I don't think we will stop this insane craze but at least we could address some of the risks and reduce them significantly. Another option for car designers is to have sensors in the roof of the car which when detecting the weight of a person on top would stop the vehicle from operating.
But then if we follow the trend of the safety boffins and focuss on behaviour then we won't save any lives just make some polititians happy that blame is focussed on someone other than themselves.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Other Forgotten factors in road safety statistics.
Apart from the obvious and I left a few for people to add there own.
I ask the question, hasn't medical science increased the probability of survival any?
Haven't ambulance services improved over these years?
Hasn't road training improved?
Vehicle design has surely improved the probability of survival, although I do debate the energy increase with the increased weight.
If you answer yes to these or a couple of these then we should then see a linear decrease in the road toll over the years, but the only improvements in road statistics has been with the introduction of seat belts and drink driving campaigns and considering everything else that has improved and there has been no linear decrease in the road toll to coincide, the focuss should move away from behavioural safety onto road design.
The only pure statistics are the actual death rates.
I ask the question, hasn't medical science increased the probability of survival any?
Haven't ambulance services improved over these years?
Hasn't road training improved?
Vehicle design has surely improved the probability of survival, although I do debate the energy increase with the increased weight.
If you answer yes to these or a couple of these then we should then see a linear decrease in the road toll over the years, but the only improvements in road statistics has been with the introduction of seat belts and drink driving campaigns and considering everything else that has improved and there has been no linear decrease in the road toll to coincide, the focuss should move away from behavioural safety onto road design.
The only pure statistics are the actual death rates.
Why Statistics Fail Road Safety!
As a safety field we have failed becuase of first our dependance on physcology and second statistics.
I have condemed the focuss on behavioural safety many times before and will leave it alone for a while but statistics are the blight on safety!
We have all the statisticians fabricating lies using statistics in regards to speed camera's, trying to show how they are working, yet we see the road toll and know they are not in the slightest working!
Why is this so? Well I will focuss on road statisitics to keep it short. Statisticians only include the data that they know will achieve a predetermined outcomes, usually set by the polititians themselves!
If statistics were to give us any insight, then we would have to include:
So statistics are useless they way the are compiled, you think they would go to university and actually study statistics so they could compile so quality, instead of the garbage that comes out now.
I have condemed the focuss on behavioural safety many times before and will leave it alone for a while but statistics are the blight on safety!
We have all the statisticians fabricating lies using statistics in regards to speed camera's, trying to show how they are working, yet we see the road toll and know they are not in the slightest working!
Why is this so? Well I will focuss on road statisitics to keep it short. Statisticians only include the data that they know will achieve a predetermined outcomes, usually set by the polititians themselves!
If statistics were to give us any insight, then we would have to include:
- Road conditions, eg pot holes at the time of the accidents and then need to include the improvements following an incident to get a clear picture, not just say there's a speed camera there now and it saved lives. Pfffffttttttttt
- The tree or pole you hit are random and can be any tree or pole anywhere on a stretch of road and for the statistitians to focuss on one 20 meter stretch of road where a speed camera is placed is ridiculous to say the least but the people are gullable and believe the lies.
- Weather conditions are not taken into account! If we were to get a clear picture of a stretch of road then stats would have to be catagorised into weather and temperature conditions!
- Weather conditions effect a vehicles safety! Yep tyres are very suseptable to temperature change for one.
- Age of vehicle and weight are not included in statistics, so how can we get a clear picture.
- Even the colour of a vehicle can have an impact on the stats.
- maintenance of vehicles and peoples incomes that would show the lack of finances available to repair or maintain a vehicle are also factors that are not included.
- The biggest factor I believe at the present time is fuel prices and when they drop the death rates climb and when they rise the death rates decline.
So statistics are useless they way the are compiled, you think they would go to university and actually study statistics so they could compile so quality, instead of the garbage that comes out now.
North Korea the Hypocrasy
Classic that the reasons for North Korea not being allowed to defend itself against the U.S. Thugs is that they have too much poverty! Well we live in a relatively rich country but the poverty is much more pronounced becuase of what you need to survive in this country. Things like paying for water, electricity, hundreds of council bylaws and fees and then we have increases to pay and income based on a percentage so that the rich can get a pay rise equivelant to the entire income of a low income earner!
Social security increases are based on the cost of living but the cost of living is calculated on a average income so those that are poor actually have a far greater cost of living increase but are giving increases far less than those that are rich and which the cost of living is miniscule in comparison.
And then to cap it off our hospitals, out services, roads, public transport and the like are not provided free as with education it is not provided free so those who fall upon hardship have no way out with this uncaring and immoral governments, who I can only say are working for evil as if they were Christians as they claim their first priority would be protecting and assisting the poor in our society, with things like free education (enables them to have hope), quality medical and dental care and public supported housing.
But no these rich polititians in power give themselves a big pay rise and have an enormous surplus for their war chest! This used to be the lucky country but it ain't no more!
Our hidden shame
Janelle Miles
October 16, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
AT least one in 10 Queenslanders lives in poverty, a report has found.
The report, prepared by the University of Queensland Social Research Centre, conservatively estimates poverty affects more than 230,000 adults and 100,000 children in the Sunshine State.
Based on the state's 28 federal electorates, the worst-affected region is Wide Bay with a poverty rate of 13.8 per cent, followed by Hinkler and Maranoa with 13 per cent, Capricornia (12.6 per cent) and Longman (11.7 per cent).
By comparison, Australia's poorest electorate of Braddon in Tasmania has a poverty rate of 15.1 per cent.
The Poverty in Queensland report, which will be released today, found the upmarket Brisbane-based seat of Ryan experiences the least poverty, affecting 5.4 per cent of the population.
It said the number of applicants on waiting lists for subsidised public housing skyrocketed from 24,400 to 38,300 between 2001 and 2005.
Almost a quarter of Australia's 99,900 homeless people lived in Queensland, the report said.
Queensland had a homelessness rate of 70 per 10,000 people compared with between 40 and 50 per 10,000 in NSW and Victoria.
The 43-page report, prepared for the Queensland Council of Social Service, found people who failed to finish Year 12 were more likely to end up in poverty.
Despite Queensland's 4.8 per cent unemployment rate, a 30-year low, the report said people in low-paid, casual and part-time employment were not immune to poverty.
QCOSS president Karyn Walsh said the report had suggested poverty was often passed down from one generation to the next.
"One of the things that needs leadership is really addressing the kind of factors that prevent people getting out of poverty where it has been intergenerational," Ms Walsh said.
"For instance, if we keep going down the path that everyone has to pay for their education, then some people are never going to get access to it.
"We are a wealthy society. People shouldn't be living in a wealthy society like Australia without their basic needs for food, clothing, housing and education being met."
The report said 29.7 per cent of Queensland households received government pensions and allowances as their principal source of income.
Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce will launch the report as part of Anti-Poverty Week at St Mary's Catholic Church in South Brisbane today.
Social security increases are based on the cost of living but the cost of living is calculated on a average income so those that are poor actually have a far greater cost of living increase but are giving increases far less than those that are rich and which the cost of living is miniscule in comparison.
And then to cap it off our hospitals, out services, roads, public transport and the like are not provided free as with education it is not provided free so those who fall upon hardship have no way out with this uncaring and immoral governments, who I can only say are working for evil as if they were Christians as they claim their first priority would be protecting and assisting the poor in our society, with things like free education (enables them to have hope), quality medical and dental care and public supported housing.
But no these rich polititians in power give themselves a big pay rise and have an enormous surplus for their war chest! This used to be the lucky country but it ain't no more!
Our hidden shame
Janelle Miles
October 16, 2006 12:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail
AT least one in 10 Queenslanders lives in poverty, a report has found.
The report, prepared by the University of Queensland Social Research Centre, conservatively estimates poverty affects more than 230,000 adults and 100,000 children in the Sunshine State.
Based on the state's 28 federal electorates, the worst-affected region is Wide Bay with a poverty rate of 13.8 per cent, followed by Hinkler and Maranoa with 13 per cent, Capricornia (12.6 per cent) and Longman (11.7 per cent).
By comparison, Australia's poorest electorate of Braddon in Tasmania has a poverty rate of 15.1 per cent.
The Poverty in Queensland report, which will be released today, found the upmarket Brisbane-based seat of Ryan experiences the least poverty, affecting 5.4 per cent of the population.
It said the number of applicants on waiting lists for subsidised public housing skyrocketed from 24,400 to 38,300 between 2001 and 2005.
Almost a quarter of Australia's 99,900 homeless people lived in Queensland, the report said.
Queensland had a homelessness rate of 70 per 10,000 people compared with between 40 and 50 per 10,000 in NSW and Victoria.
The 43-page report, prepared for the Queensland Council of Social Service, found people who failed to finish Year 12 were more likely to end up in poverty.
Despite Queensland's 4.8 per cent unemployment rate, a 30-year low, the report said people in low-paid, casual and part-time employment were not immune to poverty.
QCOSS president Karyn Walsh said the report had suggested poverty was often passed down from one generation to the next.
"One of the things that needs leadership is really addressing the kind of factors that prevent people getting out of poverty where it has been intergenerational," Ms Walsh said.
"For instance, if we keep going down the path that everyone has to pay for their education, then some people are never going to get access to it.
"We are a wealthy society. People shouldn't be living in a wealthy society like Australia without their basic needs for food, clothing, housing and education being met."
The report said 29.7 per cent of Queensland households received government pensions and allowances as their principal source of income.
Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce will launch the report as part of Anti-Poverty Week at St Mary's Catholic Church in South Brisbane today.
Australian Defence Force pleases the peodophiles and abusers
In a disgusting move the Australian Defence Force is about to open up entry for year 12 students to become soldiers and they only have to sign for 1 year.
Lets put it in perspective, the last complaint I recieved (Was sort of a warning to not rock the boat) was from a army chaplin! He told me there was a girl that raised concerns regarding the Commanding Officer, she was now in hospital after being raped and abused by at least 7 soldiers in the field and not one witness.
Now these sexual predators and abusers want the kids even younger becuase they are easier to manipulate and abuse, either sexually, physically or mentally.
And the biggest problem is that becuase they are so young no one will believe them when they raise a complaint of harrasment or abuse, it's hard enough to be heard in the defence force anyway as they loose documentation, put investigators in charge of investigations who have conflicts of interest and the like so even if they do complain no one will listen.
Lets see! Hmmm I've found the final letter outlining why my complaint of harassment failed:
The beauty of all this even with the police, illegal taping of conversations and the like they found no dirt on me! They couldn't even make some up the Lord kept me that clean.
I warn all parents do not let your children join the defence force. (I've attached a copy of the final letter 2 years and a bit after the initial complaint was made so all parents can see why they shouldn't let the kids join the army. And remember this was a training facility for new soldiers so imagine what happens in the field
Sincerely Concerned
Daniel Di-Giusto
To read clearly click on picture and enlarge.
Lets put it in perspective, the last complaint I recieved (Was sort of a warning to not rock the boat) was from a army chaplin! He told me there was a girl that raised concerns regarding the Commanding Officer, she was now in hospital after being raped and abused by at least 7 soldiers in the field and not one witness.
Now these sexual predators and abusers want the kids even younger becuase they are easier to manipulate and abuse, either sexually, physically or mentally.
And the biggest problem is that becuase they are so young no one will believe them when they raise a complaint of harrasment or abuse, it's hard enough to be heard in the defence force anyway as they loose documentation, put investigators in charge of investigations who have conflicts of interest and the like so even if they do complain no one will listen.
Lets see! Hmmm I've found the final letter outlining why my complaint of harassment failed:
- The original investigating officer having a conflict of interest so it had to reinvestigated a long time after the fact! Important fact this one as they had a conflict of interests it would be safe to assume they also misplaced, deliberately lost or destroyed most of the evidence.
- Mediator recommending against mediation becuase of the seriousness of the harassment, which included illegal imprisonment of a civilian worker and other forms of abuse.
- Some of the respondents were overseas untill the end of november 2004, complaint was made in 2003 and the investigation report was finally recieved in Sept 2005 almost 2 years after the incidents, with the letter being sent to me in October 2005
The beauty of all this even with the police, illegal taping of conversations and the like they found no dirt on me! They couldn't even make some up the Lord kept me that clean.
I warn all parents do not let your children join the defence force. (I've attached a copy of the final letter 2 years and a bit after the initial complaint was made so all parents can see why they shouldn't let the kids join the army. And remember this was a training facility for new soldiers so imagine what happens in the field
Sincerely Concerned
Daniel Di-Giusto
To read clearly click on picture and enlarge.

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Pretend Safety Professionals
Medicine man fakes 10 years as surgeon
From correspondents in Kuala Lumpur
October 13, 2006 03:45pm
Article from: Agence France-Presse
A MALAYSIAN traditional medicine man posed as a surgeon for a decade, performing major operations on VIPs and foreigners including the removal of tumours and ovarian cysts.
The New Straits Times today reported that the man was exposed by a patient who paid a large sum to have kidney stones removed, but who later discovered the stones were still there.
“He is only a registered traditional medicine practitioner and I am shocked that he was practising modern medicine and performing surgeries. He did not even use anaesthesia,” said health department director-general Ismail Merican.
Yet in Safety we have enormous numbers of people pretending to be safety professionals and it's easy to tell look at their qualifications! Well in most cases they don't have qualifications!
Friday, October 13, 2006
We are not prepared for war Mr Howard
With John Howard making threats to many countries and invading a couple it's time Mr Howard started preparing this country for war as with so many enemies we will be attacked, it's just how long or short a time we have to prepare.
Some of the area's that are ignored and these are just from memory, growing up in a small family business.
Some of the area's that are ignored and these are just from memory, growing up in a small family business.
- Communications - With a power loss most communications will fail in this day and age. Even the majority of telephones these days require a power outlet to run. We need phones in a time of war that will run off the phone lines power.
- Shopping - Again these days the vast majority of food and fuel outlets have registers that will not run without a power supply. People will still need to eat and to function as a society we will still need to be able to financially transact, cash registers will need to be provided to esential supply organisation that operate without power for extended periods.
- Cold Food Stuffs - There will need to be back up power supplies for refrigerators and the like. Or large reserves of ice.
- Fuel Outlets - Petrol Stations used to always have a way to pump fuel without power, and there were even still a few around in the 70's there, if people can't get access to fuel there will be a major disintergration and rebuilding of our society.
U.S. Department of Labor Sets out to win votes not save lives
Well it appears the alcohol drinkers in America are out to target the known vote getters rather than focuss on saving lives inthere latest campaign of a drug free work week
Quote "The U.S. Department of Labor is promoting Drug-Free Work Week through a collaborative effort with the 13 members of its Drug-Free Workplace Alliance"
Now this alliance claims it is making America a healthier place with this campaign by the 'Drug Free Workplace Alliance'!
Pffffffffftttttttttt, they are contributing enormously to the drug problem in America with this sort of campaign! In fact these industries in the Alliance and I will list them becuase combined they would be the greatest detriment to the countries health with this discrimanatory campaign against those that are most likely the poorest and most helpless in society.
# American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
# Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
# International Association of Bridge, Structural Ornamental and Reinforcing Ironworkers (IABSORIW)
# International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers (IAHFIAW)
# International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB)
# International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
# International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT)
# Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA)
# National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)
# NEA – The Association of Union Constructors (NEA)
# Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC & RA)
# United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UAJAPPFI)
# United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA)
There are a number of problems I see with this program. First is the drug testing and screening before employment. And they don't make this obvious.
Those that may be using drugs recreationally, especially our young and those with illness or dissabilities are screened out of the job in the first place.
This leaves these people with little hope and they turn to drugs to cover their hoplessness.
And hence these industries have created a whole new generation of people dependant on drugs with no hope.
Now if they didn't approach it in this fashion, then we would have young people that are in party mode and use recreationally, employment. And in the process given more responsibility and hope for the future.
Guess what, even if they still use drugs occasionally or recreationally to wind down, the majority won't feel the need to use them as they will have a distraction in work, they will have hope in working and providing for their lives, they will have friends that act as peers and role models to show them they don't need drugs and most of them will not become addicted.
And a healthier America with less drug addiction.
But then that won't win votes in the short term, it will just save lives. And I do not believe people should be off their face in the workplace and that assessment should be based on the person's competence doing the job at the time, not on some drug test that looks at their private lives.
Quote "The U.S. Department of Labor is promoting Drug-Free Work Week through a collaborative effort with the 13 members of its Drug-Free Workplace Alliance"
Now this alliance claims it is making America a healthier place with this campaign by the 'Drug Free Workplace Alliance'!
Pffffffffftttttttttt, they are contributing enormously to the drug problem in America with this sort of campaign! In fact these industries in the Alliance and I will list them becuase combined they would be the greatest detriment to the countries health with this discrimanatory campaign against those that are most likely the poorest and most helpless in society.
# American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
# Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
# International Association of Bridge, Structural Ornamental and Reinforcing Ironworkers (IABSORIW)
# International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers (IAHFIAW)
# International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB)
# International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
# International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT)
# Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA)
# National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)
# NEA – The Association of Union Constructors (NEA)
# Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC & RA)
# United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UAJAPPFI)
# United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA)
There are a number of problems I see with this program. First is the drug testing and screening before employment. And they don't make this obvious.
Those that may be using drugs recreationally, especially our young and those with illness or dissabilities are screened out of the job in the first place.
This leaves these people with little hope and they turn to drugs to cover their hoplessness.
And hence these industries have created a whole new generation of people dependant on drugs with no hope.
Now if they didn't approach it in this fashion, then we would have young people that are in party mode and use recreationally, employment. And in the process given more responsibility and hope for the future.
Guess what, even if they still use drugs occasionally or recreationally to wind down, the majority won't feel the need to use them as they will have a distraction in work, they will have hope in working and providing for their lives, they will have friends that act as peers and role models to show them they don't need drugs and most of them will not become addicted.
And a healthier America with less drug addiction.
But then that won't win votes in the short term, it will just save lives. And I do not believe people should be off their face in the workplace and that assessment should be based on the person's competence doing the job at the time, not on some drug test that looks at their private lives.
Homosexuals have no moral standing
Homosexual animals exhibit opens
By Alister Doyle in Oslo
October 12, 2006 08:59pm
Article from: Reuters
THE birds and the bees may be gay, according to the world's first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals.
With documentation of gay or lesbian behaviour among giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures, the Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".
"We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear – homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature," an exhibit statement said.
I spent a couple of months travelling accross the Nullabour, we had 8 dogs with us and I can tell you they certainly show homosexual behaviour.
But contrary to what the Homosexuals would have you believe, every male dog that still has it's nuts will hump other dogs but it's becuase they have no morals! They'll hump peoples legs, tree's, power poles, cats and whatever else they can get off on.
That's becuase they are animals and unlike humans they have no Morals or care for that matter.
So these people want to justify acting like animals. They should have a good hard look at themselves and ask what would the creator think of their behaviour. They are certainly gay and merry most of the time becuase they enjoy simple things, unlike most homosexuals who I've met who are rarely gay just sad and homosexual and immoral!
By Alister Doyle in Oslo
October 12, 2006 08:59pm
Article from: Reuters
THE birds and the bees may be gay, according to the world's first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals.
With documentation of gay or lesbian behaviour among giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures, the Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".
"We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear – homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature," an exhibit statement said.
I spent a couple of months travelling accross the Nullabour, we had 8 dogs with us and I can tell you they certainly show homosexual behaviour.
But contrary to what the Homosexuals would have you believe, every male dog that still has it's nuts will hump other dogs but it's becuase they have no morals! They'll hump peoples legs, tree's, power poles, cats and whatever else they can get off on.
That's becuase they are animals and unlike humans they have no Morals or care for that matter.
So these people want to justify acting like animals. They should have a good hard look at themselves and ask what would the creator think of their behaviour. They are certainly gay and merry most of the time becuase they enjoy simple things, unlike most homosexuals who I've met who are rarely gay just sad and homosexual and immoral!
Positives from the National Safety Council of Australia
Impressed with the National Safety Council of Australia's new initiative to raise the standard of quote "To meet the sophisticated skill and knowledge demands of the modern safety professional, OHS education and training has had to rise to the occasion …"
By introducing the NSCA Diploma. Spewing can't afford to subscribe as would like to know more about it.
Now if we could only get the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to come alongside and develop quote "nationally consistent regulation by producing national standards as a model for laws in the states and territories" that contain requirements that the minum standard of any safety manager be the NSCA Diploma or equivalent (that's if the learning outcomes are adequate for the course) then we will be moving Safety towards a true profession.
A big well done if they do move safety forward and can work together to achieve it. But we must also be careful to analyse and scrutinise maticulously so that it improves and any weaknesses are strengthened.
By introducing the NSCA Diploma. Spewing can't afford to subscribe as would like to know more about it.
Now if we could only get the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to come alongside and develop quote "nationally consistent regulation by producing national standards as a model for laws in the states and territories" that contain requirements that the minum standard of any safety manager be the NSCA Diploma or equivalent (that's if the learning outcomes are adequate for the course) then we will be moving Safety towards a true profession.
A big well done if they do move safety forward and can work together to achieve it. But we must also be careful to analyse and scrutinise maticulously so that it improves and any weaknesses are strengthened.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Where are the Safety Institute of Australia
Mark J on the Workplace Health and Safety Forum asks a very good question
Safety Representative
Safety Representative
Joined: Nov 22, 2005
Posts: 25
Post subject: Where has the profession gone? Reply with quote
Over the last couple of years there has been a demise in public comment within the safety profession.
We've had the odd radical try and derail quality discussion forums within the profession, but that does not excuse the lack of quality product produced within the forum.
We've had a reasonable number of hands on people switch to this site, JD's and now in a very watered down way 'Aussie yabber'.
What's happened to the CFSIA's and MSIA's that used to contribute in an academic way to the profession.
Regardless of the functionality of the SIA site (which appears to have died through the self imposed lethargy of the SIA as it withdrew to lick its wounds) where have our academics gone.
Given the boom in the OHS market over the last couple of years I would expect to see these sites growing.
Your thoughts?
I tell you right now Mark that they have not the knowledge or committment to get themselves qualified so why would you expect them to have any committment to the safety profession?
I might be a radical to you but I have the experience and qualifications, they are the radicals protecting there dumb, corrupt mates in the Safety Institute of Australia and as such you won't get comment out of them, they don't care about safety if they did they would get some qualifications and move it to a profession that is so deserves.
Safety Representative
Safety Representative
Joined: Nov 22, 2005
Posts: 25
Post subject: Where has the profession gone? Reply with quote
Over the last couple of years there has been a demise in public comment within the safety profession.
We've had the odd radical try and derail quality discussion forums within the profession, but that does not excuse the lack of quality product produced within the forum.
We've had a reasonable number of hands on people switch to this site, JD's and now in a very watered down way 'Aussie yabber'.
What's happened to the CFSIA's and MSIA's that used to contribute in an academic way to the profession.
Regardless of the functionality of the SIA site (which appears to have died through the self imposed lethargy of the SIA as it withdrew to lick its wounds) where have our academics gone.
Given the boom in the OHS market over the last couple of years I would expect to see these sites growing.
Your thoughts?
I tell you right now Mark that they have not the knowledge or committment to get themselves qualified so why would you expect them to have any committment to the safety profession?
I might be a radical to you but I have the experience and qualifications, they are the radicals protecting there dumb, corrupt mates in the Safety Institute of Australia and as such you won't get comment out of them, they don't care about safety if they did they would get some qualifications and move it to a profession that is so deserves.
Qualified! What a Joke
Just a short one from a post on Aussie Yabber! People are convinced a 9 day whso course qualifies you to be a construction safety officer! Well I studied for 15 years at night and inspected many a construction site and asbestos removal sites and I can tell you right now a 9 day course is a piece of crap and anyone that thinks they are qualified in safety by doing it, is a joke themselves.
The Queensland Workplace Health and Safety is pathetic and you can see the results of people thinking they are qualified after 9 days, death, injury and illness and just look at Nambour it's hit a record for deaths recently!
But then with Safety Institute not requiring it's members to be qualified why would we expect any different in the workplace?????
This is a total reflection of the lack of professionalism in the Safety Institute of Australia and I call on them now to raise the standards of safety so it can be recognised as a true profession in the true sense of the definition and move safety forward.
But as it is the Safety Institute of Australia has developed it's own absolutely pathetic entrance test so it can keep it's buddies in power without qualifications bringing the whole safety field down to being unprofessional.
Sad that the results are death, injury and illness for the workers!
G'Day Everyone,
I am at present conducting a Workplace Health and Safety Officer (WHSO) Qld course and it is amazing some of the things that some of the students are telling me that they are being advised by their OHS Managers etc.
I have one who has been told by their OHS manager in another state that the NSW "green card" construction induction is accepted nationally. I don't know what the other states are like but this is definately not the case in Qld.
They are also being told that to be a qualified WHSO in Qld it is just a three day course. In actual fact to be a qualified construction WHSO it is nine days all told.
I don't personally know other state's legislation that well but the fact is that I don't have to in my role. I would think though that if you were a national company etc you would make it your business to know as you are advising on a national basis and not just state.
I have been noticing a couple of the posts on electrical equipment testing and tagging and I know there are definately differences between states as well.
This is not a gripe at individuals, just an observation but I think it shows a lack of the knowledge base that is out there.
Lucky I am here teaching my students the right way .
Catch ya
Reply With Quote
The Queensland Workplace Health and Safety is pathetic and you can see the results of people thinking they are qualified after 9 days, death, injury and illness and just look at Nambour it's hit a record for deaths recently!
But then with Safety Institute not requiring it's members to be qualified why would we expect any different in the workplace?????
This is a total reflection of the lack of professionalism in the Safety Institute of Australia and I call on them now to raise the standards of safety so it can be recognised as a true profession in the true sense of the definition and move safety forward.
But as it is the Safety Institute of Australia has developed it's own absolutely pathetic entrance test so it can keep it's buddies in power without qualifications bringing the whole safety field down to being unprofessional.
Sad that the results are death, injury and illness for the workers!
G'Day Everyone,
I am at present conducting a Workplace Health and Safety Officer (WHSO) Qld course and it is amazing some of the things that some of the students are telling me that they are being advised by their OHS Managers etc.
I have one who has been told by their OHS manager in another state that the NSW "green card" construction induction is accepted nationally. I don't know what the other states are like but this is definately not the case in Qld.
They are also being told that to be a qualified WHSO in Qld it is just a three day course. In actual fact to be a qualified construction WHSO it is nine days all told.
I don't personally know other state's legislation that well but the fact is that I don't have to in my role. I would think though that if you were a national company etc you would make it your business to know as you are advising on a national basis and not just state.
I have been noticing a couple of the posts on electrical equipment testing and tagging and I know there are definately differences between states as well.
This is not a gripe at individuals, just an observation but I think it shows a lack of the knowledge base that is out there.
Lucky I am here teaching my students the right way .
Catch ya
Reply With Quote
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is a total waste of taxpayer money
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is that useless that I won't even put them as a link to my site!
If there is one organisation that could actually compile and release up to date daily road and rail death and injury statistics, it should be this department!
But nah they are on too many junkets and wouldn't want the public knowing the real status of road safety! And because there is no body that really represents the safety profession in this country, there is no pressure on them to do so.
Isn't it sad that the only body in this country the Safety Insititute of Australia is too busy protecting it's unqualified mates to actually do anything to improve safety and turn safety into an actual profession!
If the Safety Institute of Australia was really representing a profession then it would remove all unqualified members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows and only allow them to be Associate Members untill they showed the committment to safety and the competence in the field by gaining formal tertiary qualifications.
As it is they have come up with some totally unprofessional entrance test becuase the members and higher lack the actual knowledge and more important the actual committment to safety to gain a qualification! And with Father's and Son's and Husbands and Wives running the organisation it will stay the same and Safety will not be recognised as a profession until someone has the guts to stand up to this corruption.
If there is one organisation that could actually compile and release up to date daily road and rail death and injury statistics, it should be this department!
But nah they are on too many junkets and wouldn't want the public knowing the real status of road safety! And because there is no body that really represents the safety profession in this country, there is no pressure on them to do so.
Isn't it sad that the only body in this country the Safety Insititute of Australia is too busy protecting it's unqualified mates to actually do anything to improve safety and turn safety into an actual profession!
If the Safety Institute of Australia was really representing a profession then it would remove all unqualified members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows and only allow them to be Associate Members untill they showed the committment to safety and the competence in the field by gaining formal tertiary qualifications.
As it is they have come up with some totally unprofessional entrance test becuase the members and higher lack the actual knowledge and more important the actual committment to safety to gain a qualification! And with Father's and Son's and Husbands and Wives running the organisation it will stay the same and Safety will not be recognised as a profession until someone has the guts to stand up to this corruption.
Australian Defence Force trying to develop new ways to cover up rape and murder
There is no doubt the Australian Defence Force is like a law unto itself and now they want it even more that way, in my book if someone rapes or murders or even violently treats or abuses someone they need to face a court. Not some tribunal that is there for only one reason, to cover up the injustice in the defence forces.
Military justice bill criticised
11th October 2006, 16:26 WST
Legislation to reform military justice has run into major problems with the defence judge advocate general warning it could mean soldiers face trial for rape or murder before a body akin to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
The Law Council of Australia has also criticised the legislation, saying the proposal for military judges to be appointed for five-year terms and then compulsorily retired would not appeal to many qualified candidates.
Both warned the new court could face a High Court challenge.
Labor said the problems were so great the bill should be withdrawn and redrafted.
The legislation, introduced to the House of Representatives last month and being considered by a Senate committee, would replace the current system of individually convened trials by court martial or before a defence force magistrate with a new court, to be called the Australian Military Court (AMC).
The legislation is a key plank in the government's response to a parliamentary inquiry last year which detailed major problems in the administration of the military justice system.
But in submissions to the Senate inquiry, Australian Defence Force judge advocate general Justice Len Roberts-Smith said he was disappointed the AMC was to be established as a tribunal, in terms of status and independence, rather than as a proper court.
He said it would exercise complete and exclusive jurisdiction over Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel outside Australia.
"Given the present and likely future tempo of operations and exercises, it is entirely foreseeable, if not likely, that there will be charges of the most serious offences, such as rape or murder, against members of the ADF at some stage," he said.
"The notion that such charges would be dealt with by a body described as a tribunal and equivalent to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal is extraordinary."
The AAT provides independent review of disputes over administrative decisions made by the Australian government and some non-government bodies.
The Law Council said it was proposed that military judges must be military personnel who would be appointed for five years. Only in exceptional circumstances would judges be reappointed and all others would be compulsorily retired.
Military justice bill criticised
11th October 2006, 16:26 WST
Legislation to reform military justice has run into major problems with the defence judge advocate general warning it could mean soldiers face trial for rape or murder before a body akin to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
The Law Council of Australia has also criticised the legislation, saying the proposal for military judges to be appointed for five-year terms and then compulsorily retired would not appeal to many qualified candidates.
Both warned the new court could face a High Court challenge.
Labor said the problems were so great the bill should be withdrawn and redrafted.
The legislation, introduced to the House of Representatives last month and being considered by a Senate committee, would replace the current system of individually convened trials by court martial or before a defence force magistrate with a new court, to be called the Australian Military Court (AMC).
The legislation is a key plank in the government's response to a parliamentary inquiry last year which detailed major problems in the administration of the military justice system.
But in submissions to the Senate inquiry, Australian Defence Force judge advocate general Justice Len Roberts-Smith said he was disappointed the AMC was to be established as a tribunal, in terms of status and independence, rather than as a proper court.
He said it would exercise complete and exclusive jurisdiction over Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel outside Australia.
"Given the present and likely future tempo of operations and exercises, it is entirely foreseeable, if not likely, that there will be charges of the most serious offences, such as rape or murder, against members of the ADF at some stage," he said.
"The notion that such charges would be dealt with by a body described as a tribunal and equivalent to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal is extraordinary."
The AAT provides independent review of disputes over administrative decisions made by the Australian government and some non-government bodies.
The Law Council said it was proposed that military judges must be military personnel who would be appointed for five years. Only in exceptional circumstances would judges be reappointed and all others would be compulsorily retired.
Safety Institute of Australia could learn from Craig Lowndes
Doesn't it highlight how pathetic safety is in Australia when a racing car driver knows more about safety than those leading safety in this country! I mean if the Safety Institute and it's cronies in Road Safety investigated the weekends crash at Bathurst, all they would come up with is 'there was speed involved' and that's it they would draw a blank after that.
But here we have a racing driver with more knowledge of risk control than the majority of the Safety Institute of Australia combined! And that's not a very good picture of the Safety Institute as racing drivers don't need to know much, other than how to set up and drive a car fast.
The only thing to Craig Lowndes I would say is that I invented a device very similar to the Hans safety device around 6 years ago and I'm sure the ideas where taken after I couldn't afford the patent. However the device I designed took the presure off the neck, unlike the current device that braces the head and shoulders but then places all that energy into the C3, C4, and C5 vertabrea! If he wanted to sponsor the patent I would share it with him.
Anyway as the Safety Institute and Road Safety Experts can only see speed as a factor in any crash and therefore don't push to remove the risks but focuss on behavioural safety, I paste Craigs most intelligent comments on here and maybe some of the unqualified can learn something.
Lowndes zooms in on safety rules shortfall
10th October 2006, 8:45 WST
Bathurst 1000 champion Craig Lowndes believes V8 Supercars need tougher safety guidelines, as a result of the death of New Zealand driver Mark Porter.
Porter died in a Sydney hospital on Sunday from extensive injuries sustained in a crash with WA-born driver David Clark at Mt Panorama on Friday.
Porter and Clark were admitted to hospital after the collision. Clark’s condition was improving yesterday.
There have been suggestions Porter had been attempting to get out of his vehicle and was not fully strapped into his safety harness when contact was made side-on.
V8 officials denied the claims but said the full details of the accident would be part of their investigation.
Though Lowndes admits it was a “freakish accident”, he says it has highlighted a serious concern about the lack of protection for drivers from side impact.
“Side impact is our worst nightmare because there is no crumple zone,” he said.
“Front or rear impact isn’t bad because we have a large crumple zone. On the side, there’s not a lot of room between us and the outside of the car.
“To have an incident like that (Porter-Clark) is pretty freakish . . . you could not position it. It’s one of those incidents you’d never dream of but it’s happened and now we’ve got to figure out ways to prevent it.”
New Zealand driver Paul Radisich was another victim on a weekend of carnage.
Radisich is recovering in hospital after breaking an ankle and sternum in a high-speed crash on Sunday and will miss the rest of the Supercar season.
Lowndes’ Triple Eight racing team goes beyond current V8 regulations and puts reinforced carbon fibre in the driver’s side door of his Falcon for added safety.
But the series leader wants more to be done, including allowing the drivers to position themselves closer to the centre of the vehicle and adopting a driver safety cell which is used in the German touring car series.
The safety cell is a protective framework within the car that can be removed easily by rescue crews with the driver inside.
Porter and Clark were trapped in their vehicles for about 10 minutes.
Radisich had to wait 20 minutes before being freed through the roof of his Commodore.
Lowndes said recent incidents where drivers were trapped in their cars were more than a coincidence and something must be done.
“It gets back to how many times we’ve now had cars upside down . . . stuck in seatbelts . . . it seems to me now more beyond a coincidence,” he said.
“There is a proper cell that you as a driver sit in and you can pluck it out of the car.
“The cell can basically be popped out of the car with the driver in it.
“V8 rules only allow drivers to move so far into the centre of the car, maybe they need to look at changing that, measurements made a bit flexible.”
Other recommendations from Lowndes include further development of the HANS safety device which protects drivers from whiplash in front and rear contact but is less effective in lateral protection.
AAP, Sydney
But here we have a racing driver with more knowledge of risk control than the majority of the Safety Institute of Australia combined! And that's not a very good picture of the Safety Institute as racing drivers don't need to know much, other than how to set up and drive a car fast.
The only thing to Craig Lowndes I would say is that I invented a device very similar to the Hans safety device around 6 years ago and I'm sure the ideas where taken after I couldn't afford the patent. However the device I designed took the presure off the neck, unlike the current device that braces the head and shoulders but then places all that energy into the C3, C4, and C5 vertabrea! If he wanted to sponsor the patent I would share it with him.
Anyway as the Safety Institute and Road Safety Experts can only see speed as a factor in any crash and therefore don't push to remove the risks but focuss on behavioural safety, I paste Craigs most intelligent comments on here and maybe some of the unqualified can learn something.
Lowndes zooms in on safety rules shortfall
10th October 2006, 8:45 WST
Bathurst 1000 champion Craig Lowndes believes V8 Supercars need tougher safety guidelines, as a result of the death of New Zealand driver Mark Porter.
Porter died in a Sydney hospital on Sunday from extensive injuries sustained in a crash with WA-born driver David Clark at Mt Panorama on Friday.
Porter and Clark were admitted to hospital after the collision. Clark’s condition was improving yesterday.
There have been suggestions Porter had been attempting to get out of his vehicle and was not fully strapped into his safety harness when contact was made side-on.
V8 officials denied the claims but said the full details of the accident would be part of their investigation.
Though Lowndes admits it was a “freakish accident”, he says it has highlighted a serious concern about the lack of protection for drivers from side impact.
“Side impact is our worst nightmare because there is no crumple zone,” he said.
“Front or rear impact isn’t bad because we have a large crumple zone. On the side, there’s not a lot of room between us and the outside of the car.
“To have an incident like that (Porter-Clark) is pretty freakish . . . you could not position it. It’s one of those incidents you’d never dream of but it’s happened and now we’ve got to figure out ways to prevent it.”
New Zealand driver Paul Radisich was another victim on a weekend of carnage.
Radisich is recovering in hospital after breaking an ankle and sternum in a high-speed crash on Sunday and will miss the rest of the Supercar season.
Lowndes’ Triple Eight racing team goes beyond current V8 regulations and puts reinforced carbon fibre in the driver’s side door of his Falcon for added safety.
But the series leader wants more to be done, including allowing the drivers to position themselves closer to the centre of the vehicle and adopting a driver safety cell which is used in the German touring car series.
The safety cell is a protective framework within the car that can be removed easily by rescue crews with the driver inside.
Porter and Clark were trapped in their vehicles for about 10 minutes.
Radisich had to wait 20 minutes before being freed through the roof of his Commodore.
Lowndes said recent incidents where drivers were trapped in their cars were more than a coincidence and something must be done.
“It gets back to how many times we’ve now had cars upside down . . . stuck in seatbelts . . . it seems to me now more beyond a coincidence,” he said.
“There is a proper cell that you as a driver sit in and you can pluck it out of the car.
“The cell can basically be popped out of the car with the driver in it.
“V8 rules only allow drivers to move so far into the centre of the car, maybe they need to look at changing that, measurements made a bit flexible.”
Other recommendations from Lowndes include further development of the HANS safety device which protects drivers from whiplash in front and rear contact but is less effective in lateral protection.
AAP, Sydney
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