Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Why our legislators won't teach young drivers about the risks!

There is a new series of young driver training around QLD and guess what they won't focuss on all the risks on our roads becuase of one thing! Raising revenue and if they told you the truth (if the uneducated safety profession knows) they would be shown to be liars.

Speed, alcohol and drugs will be the main focuss of these sessions! Well speed rarely causes a crash! Alcohol yes it is a high risk activity and has been shown us such, and drugs well marijuana shows a decreased risk over the general population and as such is just a lie, while drugs like ICE, GBH and others that destroy the brain are not tested for, so even though they might present a risk (need research) it doesn't matter.

But the real risks such as poorly maintained roads, trees, poles, speed camera's and other objects on the sides of our roads which are the main cause of energy release will be virtually ignored becuase the goverments don't care about lives just votes.

And then some of the main issues with driving will be ignored too, such as patience, courtesy, respect for others and mateship (love) that give you a reason to drive safely will not even rate a mention.

And I'm sure many crashes on our roads are caused by cars that are not maintained in a safe condition! Even organisations like Department of Labour, Workcover, Worksafe, Comcare do not maintain their vehicles in a safe manour but becuase the focuss is on speed and the Safety Institute is an uneducated bunch of rabble they can't even recognise the risk of a poorly maintained vehicle.

Just to give an example of these safety bodies and their ignorance of safety go and look at government vehicles tyres that are comming close to the 40,000 K mark and you will see a lot of them have bald tyres on them! Exactly now with bald tyres speed will become a factor as they have little grip especially if it rains.

But these are the people running safety in this country and we have to listen to their lies or we are banned. I guess Fiji learnt from the Safety Institute of Australia if someone speaks up about a wrong then they are banned, makes the safety institute no better morally than Fiji's army so how can we critisize Fiji???

But the safety field will make heaps of money out of these lies so it will continue!


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