Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Road Safety - Statistics.

Again we find the news services have better statistics on road fatalities than the law enforcement bodies.

How pathetic is that? I would believe a big part is due to the police and law makers incompetence with focussing on behavioural change instead of designing safer roads!

And you look at the statistics that are published, their only criteria for causing accidents is Speed, Alcohol, lack of concetration and tiredness! Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, What about unroadworthy vehicles, including worn tyres and brakes, trees placed on outsides of corners, poles placed on the sides of roads (including speed cameras), road conditions, weather conditions (black ice is deadly), to things like wearing thongs when driving and the reduction in reaction times from poor footwear, etc etc etc etc etc etc

Yep there are many factors but the statistics are in place to cover the incompetence of those leading safety, not only in this country but accross the world. I guess I'll never get a job again in safety becuase I will speak the truth, instead of these blatant lies and as we know someone who is in a responsible postion in safety without a qualification must definately be a liar, how else do they get the job becuase they aren't good enough to get a qualification but good enough to lead the SIA. Pfffftttt

Victoria is a great example with it's drug testing for marijuana, there is no evidence to suggest that marijuana presents any increase in risk for drivers yet the safety people in that state and accross Australia continue to focuss on something that is politically motivated and will not save lives, just make revenue for the government.

I guess if they make enough crap laws they will remove enough drivers to show a slight reduction in the road toll due to less drivers, but they will not save lives untill they start focussing on the objects that release the energy as anybody who had a little committment and a fair knowledge of safety would know.. But as we know with the SAfety Institute of Australia you don't need to know anything and show competence with a qualification becuase the SIA is not about saving lives but ensuring they get good paying jobs at the expense of those with knowledge and have proved their competence.

Safety is sooooooo corrupt in this country, those leading the Safety Institute of Australia claim they haven't had time to get a qualification becuase qualifications have only been around 30 years, well I say that 30 years is time aplenty to get a qualification and it just proves those without qualifications have been running and hiding so no one finds out they know nothing about safety and have never done anything to save lives.


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