Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And orgnaised crime benefits from the polititians stance on Marijuana

You have to wonder just how much people like Peter Costello recieve from organised crime to continue their attack on marijuana, given it's relative low risk in our society! But organised crime is certainly reaping the benefits of people self medicating becuase the legal alternatives are addictive and harmful to health.

I'm sure this organised crime is funding political parties apposed to it's decriminalisation! And polititians like Peter Costello know this clearly as they manage the parties funds and in a push for more funding for organised crime they come out before an election and campaing against marijuana!

Pot top crop in US, group claims

From correspondents in San Francisco

December 19, 2006 08:48am
Article from: Agence France-Presse

MARIJUANA is the most lucrative cash crop in the US according to a study by a group campaigning for the substance's decriminalisation.

The study by the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) argued that successive crackdowns against marijuana had been unsuccessful.

The report said using conservative price estimates, the marijuana crop was worth $US35.8 billion (45.9bn) this year - exceeding the combined value of corn ($US23.3bn) and wheat ($US7.45bn).

The report said that despite eradication campaigns which have seen 103 million marijuana plants seized and an average of nearly 36,000 cultivation sites per year destroyed, production increased tenfold between 1981 and 2006 from 1000 to 10,000 tonnes.

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