Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Light Drinkers take sickies

Well there is an uproar by the Medical Journel of Australia becuase those light drinkers are more likely to take a sickie than someone that is a problem drinker!

These guys have no understanding of people and behaviour do they!

I would say that light drinkers are responsible and if they have had too many the night before they don't want to put others at risk on our roads or in the workplace!

That is great stuff by these people and problem drinkers don't give a stuff about anyone else's safety so drive to work and place many at risk becuase of their high blood alcohol levels.

And now we have doctors and insurance companies complaining about the sickies by light drinkers!!!

Yep they want to force them into high risk behaviour of driving to work and working under the influence of alcohol by shaming them.

I tell you this if these people don't take sickies we are going to see a far greater cost than the $473 million a year paid in sick leave as we will have multiple deaths on our roads (especially with no alcohol testing in the morning) and in our workplaces which we know will cost far more than the sick leave taken.


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