Monday, December 04, 2006

How many Lives has Marijuana Testing Saved in Victoria?

Well it's obvious given the statistics and scientific evidence shows that marijuana use actually decreases the risks of a road accident! (given ACT data) Making those using marijuana less of a risk of a serious accident than the general population!

So the only thing that has changed with the road toll in Victoria is? Nothing!!! The government is on another economic windfall with it's propaganda and they can now sell drug testing kits all around the world to all those other people in safety that influence government but show they have no understanding of the science of safety becuase they choose to focuss on something that shows little evidence of risk!

Wasting tax payers money and resources which would be better spent redesigning roads and focussing on a real risk such as alcohol!

I suppose with only 314 deaths this year they will claim they saved 4 lives but we know vehicle design has become increasingly focussed on safety so given that we can say that vehicle design reduced the road toll by an estimated 20% but the governments ignorance wasting resources on furphy's like marijuana and speed in real terms increased the road toll by 20% making the road toll not change.

Motor Vehicle companies should be up in arms about this blatant dissregard for the science of safety!!!!!!!!!! It makes the motor vehicle manufacturers look like total idiots becuase the $Trillions spent on safety design looks to be making no difference to the road toll (a total waste of money) and it's all becuase of this blatant revenue raising by legislators and road safety experts focussing on speed and drug testing instead of improved road design.


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