Monday, December 04, 2006

Recycled Water

I am totally against drinking recycled water for health and safety reasons!

There is no reason why it can't be used in industry and the like but drinking it is a definate health risk.

Now if you had a car repaired by an unqualified mechanic you would be taking a risk, right!

So if we have unqualified safety personnel running the safety systems of these treatment plants we are taking a bigger risk, right!

Now if the body claiming to represent those safety personnel allows members and worse still Fellows and Chartered Fellows in without qualifications then we have increased that risk expotentially becuase the leadership of the Safety field sets the paradigms that are going to filter down to the workplace where we also might have unqaulified safety personnel.

Therefore the risks to people drinking recycled water is enormous because of failures in the systems controlling that water, it mighten happen overnight but it will happen.

It won't be until the Safety Institute of Australia removes all unqualified members, fellows and chartered fellows that safety will be truly professional.

And given we need a qualified mechanic to work on our cars it is far more important that we have qualified personnel in Safety and especially the leading body the Safety Insitute of Australia.


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