Monday, September 25, 2006

Racing industry must employ SIA members for this to happen!

Well again the horse racing industry has shown how it employs inexperienced or more likely unqualified Safety Institute of Australia members by The MRC had three of its track staff tie rope to the rail and then themselves to hold the rail in place in the back straight in case a gust of wind blew it over.

Well sure they have screw in rails these days but maybe the screw in rails are the problem here, in the old days we used to hit the pegs in with sledge hammers and they never blew over.

This industry does employ safety people and it's incredible their total lack of knowledge tying staff to the rails to stop them blowing over! Man this is what I would expect from the Safety Institute of Australia and their members, haven't they ever seen a 2 tonne horse go through a rail?

If they had they would realise that these people tied to the rails faced imminent death!

This is absolutely pathetic from the Racing industry and the safety people employed by the racing industry, not only are they covering up extremely high levels of respirable silica that not only workers are exposed to everyday but also members of the public, now they show their complete lack of competence in safety by anchoring the rail with human bodies, or maybe their total lack of care of people which is more likely.

Someone should sack the safety people in the racing industry for lacking, knowledge, qualifications and most of all the guts to stand up and say this is wrong.


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