Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Australian Defence Force Propeganda

Man the spin doctors at the Defence Force are looking aroundund for anything to cover up their incompetent leaders! Yep the latest footage of soldiers letting off a bit of steam is a blatant lot of propaganda to take the heat of the Defence Force leaders.

But if they had half a brain they would realise by releasing these videos they are actually highlighting just how incompetent the leaders are! What happened to adequate supervision? By the way I don't believe given the environment those soldiers are in, that the video's are that bad and are only highlighted to take the heat off the Pvt Kovco issue.

Now lets focuss on the main issue of the moment and that is the incopetence of the Defence Force in stuffing up the body being returned to Australia!

But lets look into Kovco in more depth! I would say the misshap with the wrong body being shipped back was not a misshap at all! I would say it was deliberate so the Defence Force had the time to remove all evidence of what really happened!


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