Proof that speed camera's increase the road toll can be seen in this chart!
With the introduction of speed camera's in Victoria in 1986 you can clearly see the road toll rise in correlation!
You can see clearly that the rates only started to drop again with the introduction of intensified random breath testing in 1989!
And this correlates perfectly with the introduction of Random Breath Testing in 1976 where we see another dramatic reduction in the road toll!
There have only been two significant campaigns based on human behaviour that have shown any decrease in the road toll! The introduction of compulsory seat belts and random breath testing! And you may include the introduction of 50km/h zones in residential areas, which I will not dispute.
There is also a decrease with the introduction of 40km/h zones around schools, however I see this as a total failure as schools should not have roads all the way around them!
However in all other evidence there is clear proof that the distraction on focussing on the speedometer becuase of speed camera's has increased the road toll significantly enough to hold that gain and even increase the road toll, untill further alcohol testing was introduced.
Further studies in the U.K. have revealed dramatic increases in the road toll clearly correlating with the introduction of speed camera's and this is accross the board in every area they have introduced them in the U.K. there has been a significant increase in the road toll of up to 32%.
And the icing on the cake is in the U.K. where speed camera's haven't been introduced the road toll is actually reducing significantly at around 10%, which highlights the impact of better car design and added safety features! Again speed camera's are negating all the efforts of the vehicle manufacturers to design safer cars by increasing the road toll! (For information on road toll stats in the U.K. contact Top Gear)
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