Mickey Mouse ..... Aust Workers........... Ronald McDonald
Insurance Co's ......Stripped of ................Safety Institute
& Gov't ...................all protection ............of Australia
This picture depicts clearly what is happening in Australia with Safety! First we have Insurance companies not only influencing safety legislation in Australia and blamming the workers but they are also enforcing legislation in a lot of circumstances, which in my book is Mickey Mouse as the insurance companies have only one interest and that is increasing their already huge profits. And Governments in Australia are happy to co-operate and create an environment where insurance companies have the power, not sure if it's becuase they are mostly lawyes these days or they are corrupt and taking bribes to change safety legislation in their favour.
On the right we have the Safety Institute of Australia representing the safety profession, yet they haven't even the committment to get qualified but still can become and are Fellows and Chartered Fellows of the SIA. Explains their lack of knowledge in Safety, instead of removing risks or objects that increase risks they blame the workers.
And then in the middle we have the Australian worker! Stripped bare of protection in the legislation to allow insurance companies to blame them and not pay out anything forcing injured workers onto social security with no medical backup (hospital system is stuffed) to get themselves fixed up and back into the workforce. Of course with 5,000 people dying each year in Australia from workplace incidents or exposures, I guess it's better for the government if they are dead and cheaper for the insurance companies to kill them off!
But worse still is the removal of common law protections for workers, enabling employers and insurance companies to get away with murdering our workers and permanently maiming them without any penalities imposed from having to fund their criminal activities by supporting the workers that have been injured and supporting families of dead workers.
Safety In Australia!
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