The ramifications of Peter Brocks death can be seen with the safety investigators having no idea about safety! They are looking at the cars recorders to look for evidence as to what led to the loss of control!
Well guess what Peter Brock was Australia's greatest and probably the most highly skilled driver there is in Australia and would be up there accross the entire world!
So the facts are there was a loss of control of the vehicle! And the car hit a tree that released enough energy to kill instantly!
These safety investigators are only interested in covering their total lack of knowledge in safety and looking at ways to blame the driver for the loss of control, which distracts from the real issue and that is what caused the energy release!
The energy release was caused by hitting a tree! Simple isn't it, so why can't these so called safety experts see the common factor? Becuase the Safety Institute of Australia allows people to be members, Fellows and Chartered Fellows without proving their competency through qualifications! And becuase of this they cannot see the wood from the trees!
But what's worse is this current crop of safety professionals will look at banning motor racing and in particular this type of rally! But that's not what safety is about in my book! We should be allowed to undertake activities that are fun and most fun things have a certain level of risk to health and safety!
And so that leaves a quite simple control for this type of risk not only in rallying but in general motoring and that is to remove the trees, poles, speed camera's and other objects that cause the energy release in the event of a loss of control of a vehicle.
But they can't see that and never will that's why we have so many dying on our roads and in our workplaces becuase the safety profession has forgotten the kiss principle and instead focusses on goobledy gook and techinical reports to cloud the issue from the general public and the truth is they do this to cover their absolute lack of knowledge and committment to safety and common safety principles.
And to prove it, look how close the trees are to the outside of the corner! The most likely place for a vehicle that has a loss of control to end up slidding off the road to the outside of the corner!
These safety investigators are blind, totally blind to the common cause of death and that is the fixed object on the outside of the road just waiting for someone to loose control and release the energy that killed.
Video: Peter Brocks Last Race Footage
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