Friday, February 16, 2007

Road Safety - Alcohol

Talking toilets deliver drink-drive warning

From correspondents in Santa Fe

February 16, 2007 10:25am
Article from: Reuters

A US state is using talking urinals in a bid to get the drink-drive message across to those at risk.

New Mexico's transportation department said today it has put some 500 talking deodorisers in bar and restaurant restrooms in the state in recent days.

"Hey big guy, having a few drinks? Then listen up!" a voice says.

"Think you had one too many? Then it's time to call a cab or call a sober friend for a ride home."

Transportation department spokesman SU Mahesh said the motion-activated devices were part of an attempt to "think outside the box" to tackle drink driving in the state

These sort of devices will just encourage drunks to drink more!!!!!

How about funding police presence at venues instead becuase a drunk will know the talking machine cant follow/persue them when they step in their cars.

Just another politically motivated activity to raise votes by letting people who aren't drinking think that the government is doing something about it when it is really doing nothing but campaigning.

If they actually employed people that know about safety then they would know this is a complete waste of money when it comes to stopping drink driving, although they could argue that it gained votes.


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