Friday, February 16, 2007

Drug Takers Leading our nation

It is common knowledge that a large percentage of our leaders of industry and politics are drug abusers! Sure they make laws against drugs they don't take and then abuse the one's that they leave legal. For example Victoria's Industrial Relations framework was developed while the minister finished off a bottle of scotch.

Yep the most dangerous drug of all - Alcohol is abused by those in power! And below highlights that with the money from their powerful positions they have the ability to contest like no one else in society highlighting the discrimination in our legal system against those without money.

Seven boss hires top silk to fight drink-drive charge

By Angela Kamper

February 16, 2007 02:00am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

TELEVISION boss Peter Meakin has hired one of Sydney's top barristers to represent him on a drink-driving charge.

The Seven Network head of news and current affairs postponed his appearance at Manly Local Court in Sydney yesterday until April 16 when Phillip Boulten SC was available for the hearing.

"Mr Phillip Boulten SC is representing him, your Honour, and these are the dates," Mr Meakin's solicitor John Laxon told the court.

"I didn't realise he was seeking counsel," Magistrate Andrew George replied.

The high-profile legal eagle last year represented abortion doctor Suman Sood who escaped jail after she was found guilty of unlawfully administering abortion drugs to a patient who was 23-weeks pregnant.

He also acted for convicted terrorist Faheem Lodhi who was jailed for 20 years.

Mr Meakin has pleaded guilty to a charge of mid-range drink driving after returning a blood alcohol reading of 0.10 at North Narrabeen.

He still faces two charges of driving recklessly and failing to stop for a breath test.

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