Monday, February 12, 2007

Abusive Women in our workplaces or maybe it's the homosexuals

Workers for Queensland rail have been warned not to take men's magazines into the workplace. Magazines such as FHM, Zoo Weekdly, People and Picture workers are warned they are risking their jobs if they brang that sort of magazine on site.

Now this is also an all male workplace which makes this ruling even more hypocritical!

Yet there are no mentions of banning Women's Weekly, Women's Day, Cosmopolitan or any of the many offensive and discriminatory magazines women read!

Worse there is not one mention of banning homosexual magazines which are offensive in the extreme!

This is an attack on the basic rights of freedom of speech! People should be allowed to read what they enjoy and for management to want to control what their workers read is a disgrace and belongs with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

So Queensland Rail is run by Nazi's it appears from this sort of ban. And what's next ban the bible, the Koran and just read Queensland Rail propaganda which is full of miss truths and uneducated opinions from the likes of the Safety Institute of Australia.


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