Monday, February 19, 2007

Howard moves to sell off our water to overseas buyers at what cost.

Well John Howard is moving quick to try and control the countries water supplies, in an attempt to sell them off in his next term in office! As he has sold off anything that makes a profit such as Telstra, he will be left with no revenue comming in other than taxes so it is important for him to gain control of water as soon as possible so that the next term the Liberals percieve they have in power, they will also be able to sell off our water supplies with the rest of the country and show a surplus comming into the 2010 elections!

Howard calls for unity on water

February 19, 2007 08:23am
Article from: AAP

PRIME Minister John Howard said he hopes the looming federal election will not distract state leaders from reaching a solution for Australia's water system.

The premiers will meet with Mr Howard in Canberra again this Friday in an attempt to resolve the Commonwealth's $10 billion takeover plan for the Murray-Darling basin.

The Labor premiers have so failed to reach agreement with the Federal Government over the plan, concerned funding is inadequate and the plans had been rushed.

Mr Howard said today he would listen to the states concerns, but he said state versus federal politics should not get in the way of a genuine solution.

"I do hope that because this is a federal election year politics are not going to get in the way of a sensible resolution," Mr Howard told Channel 9.

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