Friday, February 16, 2007

The lying Police Forces in Australia

Well we see the lies everyday on the news with the police, especially when it comes to road accidents, they immediately corrupt any investigation with the issue of speed even before investigations commence and then leave out the real risk factors such as the object that was hit releasing the energy that killed.

Well this perverted view on risk is extending to all areas of the police force now:

Red-faced police recover lost gun

February 16, 2007 12:00am
Article from: The Advertiser

ADELAIDE police who yesterday recovered an officer's revolver lost during an arrest on Wednesday, say the incident was "embarrassing", but had not put the public at risk.

The loaded Smith and Wesson Model 60 sidearm had been lost in scrub off Murrell Rd at Para Hills for almost 20 hours before being found at 11.30am after a search by police and State Emergency Service volunteers.

The weapon fell from a detective's holster during a foot chase through a gully at 4pm on Wednesday.

Now lets look at these absolute lies in a little detail!

A gun presents no risk!!!!!! What an absolute lie and no wonder there is so much crime when the police force is that corrupt they can blatantly lie!

So we break down the risk factors just to highlight how big a liar is the police force!

If the gun is found by a child and discharges the consequences are????? Worst case scenario multiple deaths! So even if it is quite unlikely this could happen it would still be classed as a high risk or extremely high risk becuase of the consequences!

But we will look at the likelihood too! A gun lost in the scrub in suburbia for 20 hours has a good likelihood of being found and most likely by a kid playing in the scrub! And if a kid found a gun it is quite likely that they would play with it leading to a high likelihood of it discharging.

So given there is a high likelihood that this sort of incident could happen and the consequences could be multiple deaths!


These police are worse than criminals as they pose as role models yet they are big fat liars, who will corrupt anything to cover their backsides!


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