Monday, February 12, 2007

Education sucks in Australia unless your rich

Sorry I haven't posted for a fair while. Been enjoying the kids company over the holidays and getting involved in voluntary activities to give back a little to the community so please forgive me.

One of the most important issues in the countries mental and economic health has to be education and with schools in queensland banning students from attending classes if their parents haven't been able to afford fees, we are seeing the result of not providing education to our poorest children with more and more drug use and people being put in jail.

Isnt it sad that our young kids cannot get an education in this country if their parents are struggling financially.

For example I get a DSP and my wife parenting payments which add up to just over $600 a week, take out $230 a week for rent (is going up shortly), we try and keep our food budget to just over $200 a week probably averages $230, then fuel to drop kids off and doctors appointments at around $80 a week, then there are medications at around whatever I can afford that is left, a specialist visit is around $160 a pop and massage and physio are well over $50 so I live in pain most of the time as it's obvious I cannot afford medical treatments.

Add rego, tyres, school fees and books and uniforms and you can see there is no way of affording to live in this country with any dignity or security, if you are unfortunate enough not to be able to work for whatever reason.

So for schools to ban kids from attending becuase their parents are poor is sooooo wrong and all it does is keep these kids in the cycle of poverty so the rich can become better off (yep the CEO's get more and more and company profits get greater and greater).

And then we see prisoners getting free education! Becuase they are poor a lot revert to crime and then get the education but if they had an education in the first place maybe we could stop a lot of them going to prison in the first place.

But that is the corrupt society we live in where the rich cry poor and the poor don't eat.


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