Friday, February 16, 2007

Drug taking polititians and public servants corrupt guidelines

Well those drug addicted polititians and public servants have done it again! Yep Alcohol is a drug and these people can't go without their drug for very long so they are drug addicts!

And now becuase of their bias and wanting people to believe that their drug addiction (alcohol) is not bad have corrupted guidelines made to protect unborn babies and put many in danger because of the polititians drug addiction.

Alcohol guidelines may harm babies

By Jane Bunce

February 15, 2007 06:56pm
Article from: AAP

PREGNANT women who follow Government guidelines on alcohol could be putting their babies at risk, the assistant health minister has acknowledged.

The Federal Government is reviewing its national guidelines on alcohol, which set standards on how much people can drink without suffering health effects.

Current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines recommend pregnant women drink no more than seven standard drinks in a week and no more than two on any one day.

But opposition parties and peak doctor's group, the Australian Medical Association, last year began a push for the Government to change its guidelines to recommend pregnant women drink no alcohol at all.

AMA president Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said there was no evidence to suggest alcohol at any volume could be drunk safely during pregnancy, and numerous studies showed the harm it could inflict on a developing foetus.

"Women considering pregnancy need to know that there is no known safe level of alcohol consumption," he said.

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