Monday, February 12, 2007

Drug laws discriminate against the poor and increase profits of organised crime

I've stated many times that the only benefit banning drugs like marijuana have is to increase the profits of organised crime and pharmacutical companies are the biggest drug dealers who are protected from the laws making $billions by pushing things like morphine and valium over something that is safe and can be grown for free (if the government can't make a profit they ban something beneficial)

But worse is how these laws are used to discriminate! Yep it's only those that the authorities don't like (no other reason) that are busted!

Look at Bill Clinton! He should have been prosecuted for admitting using illegal drugs and had his house confiscated and other assessts removed or blocked as he not only used pot but admitted to it! Then we have George Bush who doesn't deny using illegal drugs which is an admission.

But now we have more people running in politics that admit to using illegal drugs! How can they be so hypocritical?

Obama owns up to cannabis, cocaine use as teen
Email this storyPrint this story 10:20AM Monday February 12, 2007
By Andrew Buncombe

* Obama pledges new generation of US leadership

WASHINGTON - Bill Clinton famously admitted to having smoked marijuana but denied having ever inhaled.

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it," he said. "I didn't inhale and never tried it again."

His successor, George Bush, while acknowledging a near-alcoholic past, refused to say whether he had ever taken illegal drugs. In 1999, he said: "I've told the people of this country that, over 20 years ago, I made some mistakes when I was younger. I've learnt from those mistakes."

But a generation later there seems to be less bashfulness about the topic and controlling the message appears to be the key.

Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who has formally announced his bid to become America's first black president, long ago admitted taking both cannabis and cocaine while he was a teenager.

In a 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, he wrote: "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack [heroin] though."

Mr Obama has also stressed his activities were part of a youthful behaviour he has long left behind and which he does not condone

So it's acknowledged it is part of youthful behavior!!!! That makes it alright then does it while millions of youth are prosecuted for being youthful!

And then you take medical conditions into account and someone can't use something like marijuana for pain management and all the other medical benefits to help with quality of life but a president of the United States can use marijuana for youthful behaviour.

Proves what I'm saying hey the pharmacutical companies control drug law to increase their profits at the expense of our youth and ill, injured and sick!


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